90.01 Definitions
90.02 Number of dogs restricted
90.03 License required
90.04 Date of payment
90.05 Receipts and tags
90.06 Affixing tags
90.07 Duplicate tags
90.08 Impoundment
90.09 Notice of impoundment
90.10 Impoundment fees and redemption
90.11 Disposition of unclaimed dogs
90.12 City kennel or dog pound
90.13 Certain dogs restricted
90.14 Certain dogs quarantined
90.15 Muzzling proclamation
90.16 Interference with officers
90.17 Tags; offenses
90.18 Effective date
Livestock and Fowl
90.30 Prohibition
90.31 Exception
90.32 Application
90.33 Approval
90.34 Effective date
Urban Chickens
90.50 Definitions
90.51 Purpose of chickens
90.52 Permitting
90.53 General permit requirements
90.54 Running at large
90.55 Enforcement
90.99 Penalty