   On streets where traffic is controlled by traffic lights, pedestrians shall only cross the streets at the regular designated crossings, and then only when faced by a green or “Go” signal or the word “Walk”.
('70 Code, § 23-67) (Ord. 1972-18, passed 3-15-72)
   (A)   Obstructing and interfering with signals. It shall be unlawful for any railroad company or person to locate or park railroad cars or other railroad equipment or other objects or obstacles of any sort whatsoever so that same will interfere with the usual, customary and intended operation of the danger signals at railroad crossings in the city; and it shall be unlawful for any person, by any means whatsoever, either by acts of omission or commission, to produce or bring about conditions that interfere with or prevent such danger signals at railroad crossings from operating in the way and manner in which they were designed and intended.
('70 Code, § 23-68)
   (B)   Signals to be maintained. It shall be unlawful for any railroad company or person owning or operating railroad tracks in the city to fail to keep danger signals installed at railroad crossings in the city in proper and efficient working order so that they will give to persons approaching such crossing the warning and signals for which they were designed and intended.
('70 Code, § 23-69)
(Ord. 1972-18, passed 3-15-72) Penalty, see § 70.99
§ 70.32 FIRE LANES.
   (A)   The city designates certain areas described in the Official Fire Lane Roll of the City of Goldsboro which is incoporated by reference and made part hereof, as fire lanes pursuant to § 602.6.2 of the Fire Prevention Code.
   (B)   The parking of motor vehicles or other obstructions which can interfere with the ingress and egress of Fire Department vehicles for the protection of persons and property are specifically prohibited in fire lanes.
   (C)   Appropriate signs and other markings shall be placed in and about fire lanes to notify the public of prohibition and restriction against the parking of motor, vehicles or the placing of other obstructions in fire lanes.
   (D)   Signs and other markings are hereby designated as shown on Exhibit B, attached to Ordinance 1998-44.
   (E)   The property owner is responsible for purchasing and installing all signs and properly marking the parking lot as stated in Exhibited B of Ordinance 1998-44.
   (F)   The parking of motor vehicles or placement of other obstructions in designated fire lanes shall be unlawful and a violation of the laws of the City and the owners and/or operators of said vehicles shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of G.S. 20-162.
(Ord. 1998-44, passed 6-1-98)
§ 70.99 PENALTY.
   If any person shall violate any provision of this title regulating the operation of vehicles, he or she shall be responsible for an infraction and shall be required to pay a penalty of not more than $50.
(Am. Ord. 2016-52, passed 10-5-16)