(a)   Every owner or person in control of any lot with a single family home located thereon shall have the entire lot and tree lawn, other than the buildings, driveways and sidewalks, planted in grass, as may be enhanced by trees, shrubs, bushes and flowers and other landscaping and mulch such that there shall be no raw, unplanted ground on any residential lot in the Village of Glenwillow.
   (b)   Every owner or person in control of any lot with a single family home located thereon shall install silt fences or other sedimentation prevention measures in such a manner and to such a degree that such control measures prevent the erosion of soil, silt, mud or any sediment from such a lot onto any public sidewalk, driveway, parking lot, roadway or into any public sewer system.
(Ord. 2006-10-92. Passed 10-18-06.)