(a)   Adoption of Rules and Regulations by Chief Building Official. The Chief Building Official is hereby authorized to promulgate such written rules and regulations as may be necessary for the proper interpretation and administration of the provisions of this chapter, provided that such rules and regulations do not conflict with this chapter and conform to the general standards prescribed by this chapter. The Chief Building Official shall file copies of such rules and regulations with the Clerk-Treasurer, the Village, the Law Director, the Fire Chief, and the Planning Commission and shall make available in the Village Hall a copy for inspection by members of the public during regular business hours.
   (b)   Power to Vary or Modify Provisions of this Code. The Planning Commission shall have the power to withhold or extend strict enforcement of the requirements of this Real Property Maintenance Code upon written application therefore by an owner, operator or occupant, and after a public hearing, provided that the Planning Commission determines that the following conditions exist:
      (1)   Health or safety hazard. Any variation or modification of a structure or use approved by the Chief Building Official will not in any material way alter the standards of this Code and cannot effect detrimentally the health or safety of occupants or the health, safety, or welfare of the occupants or owners of adjacent premises or of the immediate neighborhood.
         A.   Strict enforcement would constitute an undue and unnecessary hardship on the owner or operator because it would compel expenditures on the premises which would be substantially disproportionate to any benefit to health, safety or welfare that might be derived therefrom.
      (2)   Notice. Notice of the time and place of the meeting of the Planning Commission, after an application has been filed under the provisions of this section, shall be sent to all property owners within a 500 foot radius of the property for which the application is made. Notice shall be sent by the Chief Building Official by regular mail.
      (3)   Record of variations or modifications granted. Where variations or modifications are approved in any section of this Code by the action of the Planning Commission or of any court of record, a written record thereof, stating the name of the applicant, the address of the premises, the variation or modification approved, the date of approval and the reasons therefore, which satisfy the provisions contained herein, shall be prepared by the Chief Building Official and filed both under the section or sections of this Code to which the variation or modification applies and under the address of the premises, and such files shall be available for public inspection in the office of the Chief Building Official during regular business hours.
   (c)   Annual Review of Code Provisions and Operations. The Chief Building Official shall, In the month of May of each year, review with the Village Engineer and the Director of Law the procedures and operations of this Real Property Maintenance Code and report to Council on or before September 15 regarding:
      (1)   Any recommended amendment, addition or modification of the provisions of this Code consonant with the field experience of the personnel charged with enforcement;
      (2)   A summary of the time sequence of enforcement experience, indicating the number of violations abated, the number of cases processed in the Municipal Court, the number of inspections made and such other further pertinent information as will provide Council with an annual account of progress in securing the standards required by this Code; and
      (3)   Any further recommendation as to how the Code and the procedures    operations thereunder can be improved.
         (Ord. 2016-02-06. Passed 4-6-16.)