As used in this section, unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context:
   (1)   "Accessory structure" means a subordinate building located on the same lot with and incident to the main use of the main building.
      A.   "Building" means a combination of materials to form a construction that is safe and stable and designed, built or occupied as a shelter or enclosure for persons, animals and/or property. The term "building" shall be construed under this Code as if followed by the words "or parts thereof' and shall also be construed to include "structure."
      B.   "Structure" means anything built or erected, including among other things, buildings, stadia, reviewing stands, bandstands, bleachers, booths, swimming pools, platforms, towers, bridges, trestles, sheds, bins, fences, poles, tents, tanks above or below ground, and signs; and shall also mean the supporting framework or parts of a building. The term "structure" shall also be construed as if followed by "or parts thereof."
   (2)   "Building Code" means the Building Code of the Village.
   (3)   "Deterioration" means the condition or appearance of a building or part thereof, characterized by holes, breaks, rot, crumbling, cracking, peeling, rusting or other evidence of physical decay, neglect or lack of maintenance.
   (4)   "Developed area" means a subdivided land mass where lots comprising eighty percent (80%) of the lineal feet fronting on a street, to a depth of 300 feet from the street right of way, are occupied with a building or buildings.
   (5)   "Developed street" means a street where lots comprising eighty percent (80%) of the lineal feet fronting on such a street between any two intersecting streets are occupied with a building or buildings.
   (6)   "Exposed to public view" means any premises, or any part thereof, or any building or any part thereof, which may be viewed by the public, or any member thereof, from a sidewalk, street, alleyway, open air parking lot or any adjoining or neighboring premises. For the purposes of this definition, public view consists of any condition that exists which violates the provisions of this Code within 100 feet to the rear of the front building line for lots occupied by buildings, and within 200 feet from the Street right-of-way line for vacant lots on a developed Street.
   (7)   "Exterior of the premises" means those portions of a building which are exposed to public view and the open space of any premises outside of any building erected thereon.
   (8)   "Fire Chief' means the Chief of the Fire Division of the City of Solon, Ohio.
   (9)   "Fire hazard" (see also "Nuisance") means anything or act which increases or may cause an increase of the hazard or menace of fire to a greater degree than that customarily recognized as normal by persons in the public service of preventing, suppressing or extinguishing fire; or which may obstruct, delay or hinder or may become the cause of an obstruction, a delay or a hindrance to the prevention, suppression or extinguishment of fire, or any other fire hazard in these Codified Ordinances.
   (10)   "Garbage" (see also "Refuse," "Rubbish") means putrescible animal and vegetable waste resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking and consumption of food.
   (11)   "Immediate neighborhood" means an area separated by no appreciable space and specially denoting a limited number of properties in a very close space relationship to each other, such as properties located within the same block.
   (12)   "Infestation" means the presence of insects, rodents, vermin or other pests on the premises which constitute a health hazard.
   (13)   "Nuisance" means:
      A.   Any public nuisance known in law or as provided by the statutes of the State or the ordinances of the Village;
      B.   Conditions dangerous to human life or detrimental to the health of persons on or near the premises where the conditions exist and where the condition is perilous by active and negligent operation thereof.
      C.   Unsanitary conditions or anything offensive to the senses or dangerous to health, in violation of this Code; or
      D.   Fire hazards.
   (14)   "Operator" means any person who has charge, care or control of a building, structure, dwelling or premises, or a part thereof, whether with or without the knowledge and consent of the owner.
   (15)   "Owner" means the owner or owners of the premises including the holder of title thereto, subject to contract or purchase, a trustee, a vendee in possession, a mortgagee or receiver in possession, a lessee or joint lessee of the whole thereof, a tenant, an agent or any other person, firm, corporation or fiduciary directly in control of the premises.
   (16)   "Premises" means a lot, plat or parcel of land, including the buildings or structures thereon.
   (17)   "Property Maintenance Officer" means the Chief Building Official or Assistant Chief Building Official of the Village or his authorized agents.
   (18)   "Refuse" (see also "Garbage," "Rubbish") means all putrescible and nonputrescible solid wastes (except body wastes), including but not limited to, garbage, rubbish, ashes, street cleanings, dead animals and industrial wastes.
   (19)   "Registered mail" means registered or certified mail.
   (20)   "Rubbish" (see also "Garbage," "Refuse") means nonputrescible solid wastes consisting of both combustible and noncombustible wastes, such as paper, wrappings, tin cans, yard clippings, leaves, wood, glass, crockery and similar materials.
   (21)   "Unlicensed motor vehicle" means any motor vehicle, as defined in the Traffic Code, for which a valid license plate can be, but has not been, issued and displayed on such vehicle.
   (22)   "Vehicular recreational equipment" means all campers, travel trailers, mobile homes, converted buses, boats, trailers, whether for the transportation of portable tents, boats or other equipment or materials, and stock cars, not in excess of thirty-one (31) feet in length.
   (23)   "Weathering" means any deterioration, decay or damage caused by exposure to the elements.
   (24)   "Front yard" means an open space extending the full width of the lot between a building or setback line and the front line, unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward, except as allowed by zoning.
   (25)   "Side yard" means an open space extending from the front yard to the rear yard between a building and the side lot line, unoccupied and unobstructed from the    ground upward, except as allowed by zoning.
   (26)   "Rear yard" means an open space extending the full width of the lot between a building and the rear lot line, unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward, except as allowed by zoning.
      (Ord. 2016-02-06. Passed 4-6-16.)