A subdivision is classified as minor subdivision if it comprises the division of a parcel of land along an existing public street not involving the opening, widening or extension of any street or road, not involving the installation of any underground public utilities and not involving more than five (5) lots after the original tract and all the contiguous land owned by the subdivider has been completely subdivided.
   (a)   Application. An application for approval of a minor subdivision including a sketch plan complying with the requirements of Section 1174.02 shall be filed by the subdivider with the Chief Building Official.
      (1)   The Chief Building Official shall review the application for completeness in accordance with Chapter 1113.
      (2)   Once the application is determined complete, the Chief Building Official shall transmit the application to the Planning Commission.
      (3)   The Commission shall approve or disapprove the application within thirty (30) days of filing the application or within such longer period of time as the applicant may agree in writing.
   (b)   Review and Approval. The Commission shall approve the proposed minor subdivisions if the Commission finds after reviewing the proposed division of land and receiving a report from the Engineer that:
      (1)   Not more than five (5) lots will be created and all the land in the original tract and all the contiguous land owned by the subdivider will be completely subdivided;
      (2)   The sketch plan is properly coordinated with adjoining development and adjoining unplatted land; and
      (3)   The sketch plan complies with the land planning criteria and other provisions of these Subdivision Regulations and other codes and plans of the Municipality applying to minor subdivisions.
   (c)   In the event central sanitary sewer and water distribution facilities are not available to serve property included within the boundaries of the minor subdivision, the Commission shall seek an agreed extension of the thirty (30)-day time limit for action and it shall refer the minor subdivision to the County Board of Health for their review and recommendation prior to approval.
   (d)   If the Commission does not approve the minor subdivision, it shall notify the applicant in writing stating the reason(s) for disapproval. If the Commission approves the minor subdivision, it shall stamp the plan "Approved No Plat Required." The Minor subdivision plan shall then be recorded in the office of the County Recorder by the Engineer. The minor subdivision plan approval is valid for one year, and the minor subdivision plan may not be recorded with the County Recorder beyond one year without the reapproval of the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 2016-07-24. Passed 8-3-16.)