1165.01 INTENT.
   The Village of Glenwillow has determined that conserving existing vegetation and topsoil is beneficial to the community. Therefore, in order to protect and further the public health, safety and general welfare and to promote the coexistence of development and the natural environment, this Chapter establishes regulations for topsoil removal and tree preservation in connection with the clearing and grading of land for construction-related or other purposes. More specifically the purposes of these regulations are to:
   (a)   Encourage responsible development and minimize the negative environmental impacts that can be associated with development.
   (b)   Encourage the preservation of trees in order to reduce air, water and noise pollution; reduce the quantity of storm water run-off; protect natural stream assets; and protect, and, where possible, enhance valuable natural water resources.
   (c)   Ensure that residential subdivisions, business, and industrial developments are carefully planned, designed and constructed to maintain and preserve the natural features of the site.
   (d)   Ensure that proposed development integrates the natural features of a site into the development in ways that maximize the site's ecosystem benefits, including natural surface drainage and stabilization by minimizing grading activities, the destruction of trees and the removal of topsoil to the extent practicable.
   (e)   Improve property values by ensuring the natural and unique features of the site are conserved, including mature trees, which studies show increase the value of real estate.
(Ord. 2016-07-24. Passed 8-3-16.)