(a)   Minor Alterations - ARB Approval Is Not Required.
      (1)   A visible or physical exterior alteration or change shall not require approval if the alteration or change is insignificant or minimal. Changes to or the elimination of an architectural feature is not considered an insignificant or minimal alteration or change. Approval shall not be required for alterations or changes such as scraping and painting and staining, change of paint or stain color, or repairs to existing exterior elements that leave such elements substantially the same as they were initially approved and constructed.
      (2)   The Chief Building Official and the Planning Commission are authorized to make the determination in the first instance as to whether a proposed repair or alteration is within the intent of this section and the purposes of the Board.
   (b)   Design Review for Proposed Site Plan. No application for a site plan shall be approved by the Planning Commission unless the exterior design of buildings and structures on the site plan have been reviewed and approved by the Architectural Review Board. When reviewing the exterior design of buildings and structures included in a site plan, the Board shall review the exterior design elements to determine if such application complies with the review criteria and standards set forth in this Chapter and in the applicable Chapters of this Zoning Code.
   (c)   Design Review Separate from Site Plan Review. When design review is conducted separately from site plan review, an application for Design Review shall include preliminary architectural plans. Applications for the construction of a new residential dwelling shall also include a landscaping plan as required in Chapter 1310. The Architectural Review Board shall review the exterior design elements to determine if such application complies with the review criteria and standards set forth in this Chapter and in the applicable Chapters of this Zoning Code.
   (d)   The Architectural Review Board may approve, conditionally approve or reject the exterior design of any proposed building or structure, enlargement or alteration, and may modify or request such modifications as it may deem necessary to carry out the purpose and intent of this chapter.
      (1)   Actions on an application shall require the concurring vote of at least three voting members of the Board.
      (2)   The Architectural Review Board may request a redesign or may disapprove any application referred to it, provided it finds that the proposed building or structure would, if erected, be detrimental to the desirable property values or development of the surrounding areas.
   (e)   The Board may authorize the Village Architect to review and approve plans, without further review and approval by the Board, in those instances where the review is limited to specific design guidelines previously established by the Board. However, an applicant whose plans have been so reviewed by the Village Architect may still request and apply for review and approval of such plans by the Board.
   (f)   Failure of the Architectural Review Board to act within sixty (60) days from the date the application was deemed complete, or an extended period as may be agreed upon, the applicant may deem the application denied.
   (g)   The Architectural Review Board shall provide a detailed report of its proceedings and shall submit a copy of its recommendations to the Planning Commission and to the Clerk of Council.
(Ord. 2016-07-24. Passed 8-3-16.)