1105.03 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of this Planning and Zoning Code is to promote and protect the public health, safety, convenience, comfort, prosperity and general welfare by regulating and limiting the use of land, areas and buildings and the erection, restoration, conversion and alteration of buildings and additions thereto and the use of land for residential purposes; to regulate the area and dimensions of land, yards, setbacks, and open spaces so as to secure adequate areas for water supply and to prevent the pollution thereof; to enhance the taxable value of land and buildings throughout the Village; to avoid congestion by the regulation of the density of population; to regulate and restrict the bulk, height, design, percent of lot occupancy and the location of buildings; to assure the orderly and beneficial development of land and to provide an orderly plan for the economical and best use of public facilities, such as future water supply and distribution systems, sewage collection and disposal systems.
(Ord. 2016-07-24. Passed 8-3-16.)