Sales may be no longer than three continuous days.
(Ord. 01-2007, passed 9-11-2006) Penalty, see § 92.99
Sales may be held no more than six times per year per address.
(Ord. 01-2007, passed 9-11-2006) Penalty, see § 92.99
(A) Sales shall be conducted on property which is regularly occupied by the person conducting the sale.
(B) Multiple family sales are permitted if the sales are held on the property of one of the participants.
(C) Sales conducted by non-profit groups or organizations held on property not owned by the participants shall be only by special permission of the City Council.
(D) Sales may not occur or encroach upon city streets, sidewalks, or other right-of-way.
(Ord. 01-2007, passed 9-11-2006) Penalty, see § 92.99