(A) Permitted uses.
      (1)   The following shall be principal uses that may be permitted by the village provided the uses meet all other applicable standards of this section and are approved by the village in the preliminary development plan:
         (a)   Attached multiple residential dwellings shall each have a separate external entrance, except a dwelling that is part of a mixed-use building. The number of such dwellings, regardless of whether they are part of a mixed-use building, shall not result in a net density that exceeds the limits of division (B)(4) below;
         (b)   Bars or taverns;
         (c)   Detached single-family dwellings;
         (d)   Financial institutions with or without attached drive-through facilities;
         (e)   Government facilities and other public uses;
         (f)   Hospitals;
         (g)   [This division intentionally left blank]
         (h)   Medical or dental clinics;
         (i)   Mixed use buildings with commercial uses on the first floor and office or residential uses on the second floor;
         (j)   Nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other convalescent housing;
         (k)   Offices;
         (l)   Parks, greenspace, and playgrounds;
         (m)   Public or private educational facilities;
         (n)   Religious places of worship;
         (o)   Restaurants; and
         (p)   Retail or service commercial uses.
      (2)   Drive-through facilities shall be prohibited unless specifically permitted in the above list of uses.
      (3)   The following shall be accessory uses that may be permitted by the village as part of a PDO District:
         (a)   Accessory uses permitted in the “AA-1”, “AA-2”, “A”, “B”, or “C” Districts when accessory to a residential principal use;
         (b)   Parking structures provided they are located in a rear yard or otherwise screened from residential uses; and
         (c)   Other uses which are typical accessory and incidental to nonresidential uses.
   (B)   Land use ratios and intensities.
      (1)   A minimum of 30% of the project area shall be dedicated to residential uses, provided that, in implementing this requirement, the GPHPC and Council shall have the discretion of considering the “project area” to be:
         (a)   The entirety of the property covered by the PDO;
         (b)   Each separate and distinct section of the property covered by the PDO that is presented for development; or
         (c)   Any combination of adjacent separate and distinct sections of the property covered by the PDO that are presented for development.
      (2)   A minimum 20% of the gross project area of each separate and distinct section of the property covered by a PDO that is presented for development shall be dedicated to greenspace, provided that the greenspace meets the requirements of division (C).
      (3)   The remaining area of the project area may be used for residential uses, greenspace, or other uses as permitted in division (A) and as authorized in the preliminary development plan process.
      (4)   The maximum net density of residential uses shall be six units per acre, except for residential uses that are part of a development that includes a nursing home, assisted living facility or other convalescent home (collectively “care facility”) and the services of the care facility are available to the residents at their option.
      (5)   The maximum impervious surface ratio of any lot shall be 70%.
   (C)   Minimum greenspace requirements.
      (1)   The following land shall not count toward the minimum greenspace requirement of division (B) above:
         (a)   Detention or retention ponds or other stormwater areas, unless otherwise approved as part of the preliminary development plan;
         (b)   Land that is privately owned (not held or maintained as common open/greenspace) may be considered as meeting a portion of the greenspace requirement provided it approved by the village during the preliminary development plan review process;
         (c)   Land that is part of a required setback, buffer, or landscape area as established in this subchapter shall not be counted toward the minimum greenspace requirement; and
         (d)   Land that is used or dedicated for use as a cemetery.
      (2)   All greenspaces shall either be dedicated to the village or protected and maintained by a homeowners’ association. The village shall not be required to accept any greenspace.
      (3)   All documents of incorporation and initial bylaws of a homeowners’ association are subject to review by the village to ensure that all greenspace areas will be adequately maintained.
      (4)   A minimum of 50% of the required greenspace set aside shall be improved greenspace as approved by the village. The remainder of the set aside may be left in its natural state, but shall still be part of a common area accessible by the public.
      (5)   Improved areas may include:
         (a)   Playgrounds and improved parks;
         (b)   Community centers;
         (c)   Swimming pools;
         (d)   Improved ponds;
         (e)   Retention ponds that are improved so as to be an amenity to the site and as approved by the GPHPC;
         (f)   Picnic facilities;
         (g)   Public plazas that may serve as gathering places for residents;
         (h)   Other improved areas that may be used by the public as approved by the GPHPC.
   (D)   Public facilities.
      (1)   Purpose. The purpose of this section is to establish minimum standards that ensure that public facilities and services needed to support a development are available concurrently with the impacts of such development.
      (2)   Impact study required.
         (a)   The applicant shall be required to prepare a fiscal and services impact study to illustrate the impact the proposed development will have on services including, but not limited to, police, fire,
and schools.
         (b)   This impact study may incorporate the requirements of divisions (3) and (4) below.
         (c)   The fiscal impact study shall provide an estimate of the amount of tax revenue that may be generated by the development, the distribution of such taxes, and any deficiencies the development
may create between the taxes generated and the demand for services.
      (3)   Water, wastewater, and stormwater.
         (a)   The applicant shall demonstrate that there is adequate, or will be, adequate water and wastewater service at the time of occupancy. The availability of such services shall be certified by the applicable public service provider.
         (b)   The applicant shall be required to demonstrate that the new development will meet all stormwater standards of the county as well as all state and federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations.
         (c)   If adequate service is not available, the applicant shall be responsible for the costs required to extend or provide service to the subject area.
      (4)   Transportation.
         (a)   A traffic impact study shall be required for all development in a PDO District. Such study shall be completed by an independent consultant pursuant to § 154.94(B).
         (b)   All developments shall demonstrate compliance with the following transportation level of service standards.
            1.   Existing levels of service at peak hour are maintained on all arterial and collector roads and at all intersections within 1/4-mile of the primary access to the site, or the level of service shall not fall below a Level of Service (LOS) “D” as defined by the Transportation Research Board, Highway Capacity Manual, Special Report 209 (Washington D.C.: National Research Council, 1998), as amended.
            2.   However, if the LOS on streets adjacent to the site or within 1/4 mile thereof is currently below LOS “D”, then the applicant shall demonstrate that the LOS will not fall below the current level.
         (c)   All development shall provide an overall access management plan that demonstrates free-flowing access to the site and avoids unsafe congestion conditions on adjacent public roads and streets.
         (d)   The applicant shall be responsible for the costs required to make the necessary improvements that will, at a minimum, maintain the LOS “D” or other, pre-existing LOS.
         (e)   Impact studies and certification required. The fiscal and services impact study, the traffic impact study, and certification of adequate public facilities shall be provided with the application and prior to the review and a decision on the preliminary development plan.
   (E)   General design guidelines. The following guidelines shall apply to all uses unless otherwise noted:
      (1)   All development shall be in compliance with other applicable provisions of Chapter 154 of the Glendale Land Usage Regulations unless otherwise authorized by this PDO.
      (2)   Where applicable, applications shall be subject to historic preservation review in compliance with the Glendale Historic Preservation Guidelines.
      (3)   All applications for a PDO shall automatically be required to comply with § 154.52: Large Scale Development Compatibility unless otherwise authorized by this PDO. Applications for a Certificate of Architectural Conformance shall be reviewed as part of the preliminary development plan review.
      (4)   Unless specified otherwise, yard, setback, and lot requirements shall be established during the preliminary development plan review and shall be evaluated in relation to the purpose of this section.
      (5)   All utilities shall be located underground to the maximum extent feasible as determined by the GPHPC or by the Village Engineer.
      (6)   All dumpsters, mechanical equipment, service entrances, loading areas, and/or outdoor storage shall be:
         (a)   Located in the rear yard to the maximum extent feasible. The village may permit such use in the side yard if the applicant can demonstrate that it cannot be located in the rear yard and that there is adequate screening.
         (b)   Screened by a decorative wall or fence that is architecturally compatible with the principal building.
         (c)   Designed so that there is adequate access to water for cleaning and proper maintenance.
      (7)   Outdoor sales, display, and storage of products, beyond that permitted in division (E)(5) above, shall be prohibited.
      (8)   Chain link, barbed wire, and similar fencing shall be prohibited.
      (9)   Multiple primary buildings on the same site shall be designed to create a cohesive visual relationship between the buildings.
      (10)   Building materials shall be restricted to brick, wood, stone, stucco, or natural looking materials. Concrete block or slick materials such as plastic or metal are prohibited. Other materials may be approved on an individual basis by the GPHPC.
      (11)   The use of neon lights or bright colors for building materials shall be prohibited. The applicant may be required to submit a color palette for review by the GPHPC.
      (12)   Sidewalks.
         (a)   Sidewalks shall be required on both sides of all streets with a minimum width of five feet in residential areas and six feet in mixed-use or nonresidential areas.
         (b)   Trails and bikeways located within greenspace or common areas shall be encouraged.
   (F)   Residential building and site design.
      (1)   Each dwelling unit shall have a separate exterior entrance unless the attached dwelling is part of a mixed-use building.
      (2)   Attached dwelling units shall be attached only through common walls unless the attached dwelling is part of a mixed-use building.
      (3)   Garages shall be either flush with the front facade or shall be setback so as not to be the predominant feature of the dwelling. Rear entry garages with access from an alley are strongly encouraged.
      (4)   The maximum overall height of residential buildings shall be 35 feet.
   (G)   Mixed-use or nonresidential building and site design.
      (1)   No building shall have a footprint that exceeds 25,000 square feet in size.
      (2)   There shall be a minimum separation of 30 feet between all buildings within the PDO boundary and 100 feet from all existing structures outside of the PDO boundary.
      (3)   The maximum overall height of nonresidential buildings shall be 48 feet.
      (4)   Nonresidential buildings shall be setback a minimum of 100 feet from all residential dwelling units.
      (5)   Buffering.
         (a)   A 30-foot landscape buffer shall be provided between any PDO development and adjacent, existing residential properties. The buffer shall include a six-foot fence, wall or earthen berm along with three evergreen trees plus three deciduous trees and three shrubs for every 60 lineal feet of bufferyard.
         (b)   A natural buffer consisting of 10 evergreen trees, planted in an offset manner as to create a solid buffer, plus 12 shrubs for every 75 lineal feet of bufferyard may be provided as an alternative to (G)(5) above. The landscape buffer may be located within required setbacks.
         (c)   Divisions (a) and (b) above represent the minimum buffer that shall be required between residential and mixed-use or nonresidential developments. Where it finds that such buffering will not be sufficient to reduce visual and noise impacts to levels reasonable for residential uses, the village may require a developer to supply buffering in addition to that required in divisions (a) and (b) above between any existing or proposed residential development and adjacent public streets or nonresidential zoning or development in the village or neighboring municipalities.
         (d)   Responsibility for the buffering required under divisions (a), (b) or (c) above shall rest primarily with the developer of the mixed-use or nonresidential development involved, unless said development is pre-existing or outside the borders of the village or it is otherwise infeasible for the developer of said uses to be required to provide the buffering, in which case the responsibility for buffering shall rest with the developer of the residential use that abuts the mixed-use or nonresidential development.
         (e)   The applicant shall have the ability to utilize an alternative approach to buffering, other than the requirements of this section, if applicant can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the village that the proposed alternative approach meets or exceeds the efficacy of the buffering provided by said requirements.
      (6)   All elevations of a building are subject to review. A front facade shall be architecturally emphasized although all sides of a building shall be architecturally consistent with the front facade.
      (7)   No more than 60% of a façade may be constructed of glass or other transparent materials.
      (8)   Flat rooflines are permitted with the use of cornices, parapets, or some form of architectural emphasis along the roofline.
      (9)   Long or continuous wall planes shall be avoided with a maximum uninterrupted single wall plane of 30 feet.
      (10)   Color schemes should be kept simple with no more than one or two trim colors on any given building. The chosen color scheme should help tie all of the parts of the building together.
      (11)   All vents, gutters, downspouts, flashing, electrical conduits, etc., shall be painted to match the color of the adjacent surface, unless being used expressly as a trim or accent element.
      (12)   The construction materials and colors of walls and fences on nonresidential properties shall be uniform and compatible with the architectural style, color, and building materials of the principal building and its surroundings.
   (H)   Outdoor lighting.
      (1)   Outdoor lighting shall be subject to § 154.28.
      (2)   Outdoor lighting shall be designed so there is no light spillage from the site onto existing residences and shall be demonstrated through the preparation of a photometric lighting plan.
   (I)   Landscaping and buffering.
      (1)   The applicant shall be required to submit a landscape plan as part of the final development plan to demonstrate compliance with these requirements.
      (2)   Plant materials shall be chosen which are indigenous, moderately fast growing, and require minimal maintenance. The landscape design shall incorporate the entire site and consist of a palette of plants with year round appeal, which might include annuals, perennials, shrubs, and trees.
      (3)   Street trees shall be required on both sides of the street and shall be located in a tree lawn between the sidewalk and street. The tree lawn shall have a minimum width of five feet unless otherwise approved by the GPHPC.
      (4)   Wooded areas shall be preserved, to the maximum extent feasible, as determined by the GPHPC, the Village Engineer, or an independent specialist selected by the village pursuant to § 154.94(B).
      (5)   Landscaping areas shall be provided around every ground-mounted or pole-mounted sign. The landscaped area shall be of a size equal to or exceeding the total area of the sign face.
      (6)   Plant materials.
         (a)   Plant materials used in conformance with these provisions shall conform to the American Association of Nurserymen and shall have passed any inspection required under state regulations. Trees shall be balled and burlapped or in containers. Shrubs, vines, and ground covers can be plants as bare root as well as balled and burlapped or from containers.
         (b)   Deciduous trees shall have a minimum caliper of at least 2.5 inches DBH conforming to acceptable nursery industry procedures at the time of planting. If deciduous trees are to be used for screening purposes, additional materials listed in this section shall be used to create a dense buffer.
         (c)   Evergreen trees shall be a minimum of six feet in height at the time of planting. Evergreen plantings shall be planted at a maximum distance of 15 feet on center to provide an effective buffer.
         (d)   Ornamental trees shall have a minimum height of five feet or a minimum caliper of at least 2.5 inches DBH conforming to acceptable nursery industry procedures at the time of planting.
         (e)   Street Tree Standards.
            1.   Street trees shall be of a species approved by a landscape architect or arborist for use as a street tree. Street trees shall be of a size and species suitable for location in tree lawns in close proximity to streets.
            2.   Choose only small-scale trees when planting underneath power lines.
         (f)   Shrubs and hedges shall be at least 36 inches in height at the time of planting. All shrubs and hedges shall be designed to provide an effective buffer of at least five feet within a period of four years after planting.
         (g)   Grass shall be planted in species normally grown in permanent lawns in the county. In swales or other areas subject to erosion, solid sod shall be sown for immediate protection until complete coverage otherwise is achieved. Grass sod shall be clean and free of weeds and noxious pests or diseases. Ground cover shall be planted at a maximum spacing of one foot on center to provide 75% complete coverage after two growing seasons.
         (h)   Once the minimum landscape requirements have been met, any size plant may be installed on a lot to supplement the minimum requirements.
      (7)   Tree canopy coverage.
         (a)   Trees shall be provided within the limits of construction to the extent that at 20 years from the date of planting, tree canopies or covers will provide at least a coverage of 20% for residential areas or 10% for mixed-use and nonresidential areas. Such coverage shall be certified by a landscape architect or certified arborist.
         (b)   Existing trees or wooded areas which are to be preserved, at the applicants option may be included to meet all or part of the canopy requirements, provided the site plan identifies such trees and the trees meet the standards of size, health, placement, etc. set out in this section. The village may enlist the services of a landscape architect or certified arborist to evaluate use of existing trees to ensure they have adequate health and strength to allow such use.
         (c)   Existing trees designated to be included as part of these requirements shall be protected during construction by fencing placed at a distance in feet equal to or greater than the caliper of the tree in inches at the height of four feet.
         (d)   The extent of canopy at maturity shall be based on published reference texts generally accepted by landscape architects, nurserymen, and arborists.
      (8)   Vehicular use area landscaping.
         (a)   Parking areas and driveways shall be landscaped with shrubs, trees, or tree groupings.
         (b)   A minimum of 10% of the total interior parking lot area of parking lots with more than five spaces shall be landscaped with planted islands. A minimum of one tree and two shrubs shall be planted in interior islands for every 2,500 square feet of parking lot.
         (c)   Parking islands shall be located so there shall be no more than 15 parking spaces located between parking islands.
         (d)   Landscaped medians extending the full length of the parking area shall be constructed between every four rows of parking.
         (e)   Planted islands shall be at least 170 square feet in size with the smallest dimension of pervious surface being ten feet to allow for adequate root aeration and expansion.
         (f)   Where landscaping is used as screening, it shall be opaque year round and shall have a minimum height of eight feet at time of installation.
         (g)   Landscape screening shall be of a height and density so that it provides the full desired effect within three growing seasons.
      (9)   Maintenance.
         (a)   Street tree bonding.
            1.   Prior to final approval of the final development plan, the applicant shall enter into an agreement with the village to provide completed street tree plantings and shall post an irrevocable letter of credit, bond, or other surety with the Village Council.
            2.   If all the street tree plantings are not completed within two years of approval or if the approved landscape plan is not followed, regarding street trees, the surety or bond shall be forfeited and shall be used to complete the landscape plan as approved.
            3.   The bond or other surety shall be held for a period of 18 months after installation of plantings to assure proper maintenance and growth. Failure to maintain the vegetation and to replace dead plants or trees shall result in a forfeiture of the posted bond or other surety.
            4.   Prior to the, release of the bond, the site shall be inspected by the village upon notification by the applicant to assure proper maintenance and installation.
         (b)   All landscaping materials shall be installed and maintained according to accepted nursery industry procedures. The owner of the property shall be responsible for the continued property maintenance of all landscaping materials and shall keep them in a proper, neat, and orderly appearance free from refuse and debris at all times.
         (c)   Unhealthy and dead plants that are required as part of these requirements shall be replaced within one-year, or by the next planting season, whichever comes first.
         (d)   Violation of these maintenance practices shall be a violation of this subchapter.
   (J)   Parking.
      (1)   Required parking spaces. Table 1 shall establish the minimum parking spaces required for permitted uses.
Table 1: Required Parking
Required Parking Spaces
Dwelling units (attached or detached)
2 spaces per dwelling unit
Bars or taverns
15 spaces per 1,000 square feet
Financial institutions
4 spaces per 1,000 square feet
Government facilities and other public uses
As approved by the GPHPC
1 space for every 2 patient beds (not bassinets) plus 4 spaces for 1,000 square feet of outpatient clinics, laboratories, pharmacies and other similar uses
Table 1: Required Parking (Cont’d)
Required Parking Spaces
Table 1: Required Parking (Cont’d)
Required Parking Spaces
1 space per room or suite
Medical or dental clinics
4 spaces per 1,000 square feet
Mixed-use buildings
Parking shall equal the sum of the parking requirements of the separate uses.
Nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other convalescent housing
1 space per 2 beds
3 spaces per 1,000 square feet
Parks or playgrounds
1 space per 5,000 square feet of park or playground area
Educational facilities
1 space per 3 students (maximum capacity) for senior high schools and 1 space per 5 students (maximum capacity) for elementary and junior schools.
Religious places of worship
1 space per 3 fixed seats in the main assembly room or 1 space per 3 persons of maximum occupancy, whichever is greater
10 spaces per 1,000 square feet or 1 space for each 4 seats, whichever is greater
Retail or service commercial uses
1 space per 250 square feet
Unlisted uses
Upon receiving an application for a use not specifically listed in the parking schedule above, the GPHPC shall apply the parking standard specified for the listed use that is deemed most similar to the proposed use in regards to use, size and intensity of use.
If the GPHPC determines that there is no listed use similar to the proposed use, intensity, or size, they may refer to the estimates of parking demand based on recommendations of the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE).
      (2)   In no case shall more than 100% of the parking required in Table 1 above be provided on surface parking lots. Any parking over 100% of that required by Table 1 shall be provided in a parking structure (underground or above ground parking garages).
      (3)   All above ground parking structure shall be architecturally compatible with adjacent buildings.
      (4)   Off-street parking areas for all mixed-use buildings shall be located in the side or rear yard.
      (5)   Parking in the front yard of any nonresidential building shall be limited to one access drive and two bays of parking stalls (See Figure 1).
Figure 1: Parking Around Nonresidential Uses
      (6)   Continuous curbs shall be required to surround parking areas in all business districts for parking lots with 20 or more parking spaces.
      (7)   Shared parking arrangements between uses are encouraged provided they meet the following requirements:
         (a)   A sufficient number of spaces is provided to meet the highest demand of the participating uses;
         (b)   The uses are located adjacent to each other;
         (c)   Evidence has been submitted by the parties operating the shared parking facility, to the satisfaction of the GPHPC, documenting the nature of uses and the times when the individual uses will operate so as to demonstrate the lack of potential conflict between them.
         (d)   Shared parking spaces not located within a parking structure shall not be located in excess of 300 feet from the uses they are intended to serve;
         (e)   A legal shared parking agreement is submitted and approved by the Village Attorney that provides for the rights of the respective parties to use the shared parking areas in a manner adequate to accommodate multiple users or that parking spaces will be shared at specific times of the day (i.e., one activity uses the spaces during daytime hours and another activity use the spaces during evening hours). This agreement shall include provisions, evidence of deed restrictions or other recorded covenants that ensure that the spaces will be properly maintained during the life of the development.
         (f)   The approved shared parking agreement shall be filed with the application for a building permit and shall be filed with the County Recorder and recorded in a manners as to encumber all properties involved in the shared parking agreement.
         (g)   No building permit will be issued until proof of recordation of the agreement is provided to the Village Administrator.
         (h)   Shared parking shall not account for more than 50% of the required parking spaces as established in Table 1 above.
   (K)   Sound.
      (1)   No activity on private property shall emit noise or sound levels that create a nuisance to surrounding properties.
      (2)   For development in the vicinity of Interstate 75, the buildings and buffers should be designed so as to not funnel sounds from the interstate toward existing housing.
   (L)   Signs.
      (1)   Residential signs. Residential signs shall be permitted in accordance with § 154.27.
      (2)   Nonresidential signs.
         (a)   One ground-mounted sign may be permitted for each parcel. Such sign shall not exceed eight feet in height.
         (b)   The maximum sign area for ground-mounted signs shall be 40 square feet per face with a maximum number of two sign faces.
         (c)   Ground mounted signs shall be designed and constructed of the same materials as the main building.
         (d)   Wall signs may be permitted provided there is a maximum sign area of one square foot per lineal foot of building frontage. The building owner or manager shall be responsible for determining the sign allotment for individual tenant space.
         (e)   No ground or wall sign shall be internally illuminated. External lighting of a sign may be permitted if the lighting is designed to shield the light source in accordance with § 154.28 (Outdoor Lighting).
         (f)   Free-standing pole signs shall only be permitted along Interstate 75 as part of a PDO District. Such sign shall have a maximum height of 20 feet and a maximum sign area of 100 square feet per face with a maximum number of two sign faces.
   (M)   Construction site maintenance standards. The applicant shall be responsible for maintaining a clean and organized work site so as to eliminate any detrimental effects on neighboring properties during the construction phase. At a minimum, applicants shall be responsible for complying with land erosion standards, cleaning debris and mud from access roadways during construction, storage of building materials, use of side streets by construction vehicles during construction, and regularly scheduled disposal of building refuse and debris.
(Ord. 2006-12, passed 5-1-06; Am. Ord. 2014-47, passed 12-1-14)