In the residential districts there may be:
   (A)    One nameplate not exceeding one square foot in area for home occupations and for uses authorized by a conditional use permit.
   (B)    Temporary signs not exceeding nine square feet appertaining to the lease, rental or sale of a building or premises and shall be removed immediately upon the property lease, rental or closing. Buildings or premises may have one sign for each full street frontage. “Sale Pending” or “Sold” notices may be attached to the “For Sale” sign(s) until it is removed. “Open House” signs, separate or attached to the “For Sale” sign and not exceeding nine square feet, may be posted only in the yard of the property for sale. An optional open house directional sign, not exceeding six square feet, may be placed on village rights-of-way; said Open House signs and directional signs may be posted up to two days prior to the open house and must be removed immediately upon the end of the open house.
   (C)   Sign or bulletin board not exceeding ten square feet in area relating to a church or school or a conditional use but only when located on the premises of the church or school.
   (D)   Garage sale signs conforming to the requirements of § 154.51(E).
   (E)   Nonprofit village organizations, as defined and recognized by the IRS, may, in any district, post or hang signs announcing special event(s) upon the applicant's or public property for a period of not more than 14 days when an application detailing quantity, size and location is reviewed and approved by the Mayor.
   (F)   Signs of a political or religious nature are permitted on private property on the condition that the posted sign is in good repair and does not constitute a safety or traffic hazard by its size or placement. No political or religious signs may be posted on public property or right-of-way in the village.
   (G)   No ground or wall sign shall be internally illuminated. External lighting of a sign may be permitted if the lighting is designed to shield the light source in accordance with § 154.28 (Outdoor Lighting).
(Am. Ord. 1997-25, passed 5-6-97; Am. Ord. 2000-13, passed 2-7-00; Am. Ord. 2001-43, passed 11-5-01; Am. Ord. 2004-08, passed 6-7-04; Am. Ord. 2010-32, passed 9-3-10) Penalty, see § 154.99