1139.01 Purpose and intent.
1139.02 Definitions.
1139.03 General requirements for all signs and districts.
1139.04 Signs with noncommercial messages.
1139.05 Substitution provision.
1139.06 Permit required.
1139.07 Signs permitted in all districts not requiring a permit.
1139.08 The flag of the United States of America and flags of other nations, states and governments.
1139.09 Prohibited signs, generally.
1139.10 Signs not permitted in areas designated for off-street parking, circulation and loading.
1139.11 Signs not permitted on unimproved or vacant property.
1139.12 Signs within the right-of-way prohibited; exceptions.
1139.13 Directional signs.
1139.14 Detached signs in non-residential zoning districts and for non-residential uses in residential zoning districts.
1139.15 Attached signs in non-residential zoning districts and for non- residential uses in residential zoning districts.
1139.16 General provisions applicable to signs for multi-family dwellings in multi-family residential zoning districts.
1139.17 Prohibited sign materials.
1139.18 Permitted sign materials.
1139.19 Sign legibility required.
1139.20 Sign illumination.
1139.21 Landscaping required.
1139.22 Temporary signs.
1139.23 Temporary real estate signs.
1139.24 Sign measurements.
1139.25 Exempting historic and culturally significant signs.
1139.26 Sign setback requirements.
1139.27 Sign responsibility, maintenance, modification, replacement or removal.
1139.28 Nonconforming signs and structures.
1139.29 Loss of legal nonconforming status.
1139.30 Violations.
1139.31 Abandoned signs.
Posting without owner consent - see GEN. OFF. 541.08
“No solicitor” signs - see BUS. REG. 725.02
Signs constitute a separate and distinct use of the premises upon which they are placed. Signs affect the use of private as well as public property, including adjacent roads, streets, walkways and other rights-of-way. The purpose of this Chapter is to establish reasonable and objective regulations for all signs visible to the public, in order to protect the general public health, safety, welfare, convenience and aesthetics. The intent of this Chapter is to ensure freedom of expression for all sign uses while maintaining a content-neutral approach to sign regulation. Specifically, to:
(a) Protect the public health, safety, convenience, comfort, prosperity, and general welfare;
(b) Protect each person's constitutional right to freedom of speech;
(c) Show respect for citizens' need for self-expression;
(d) Permit signs containing a noncommercial message, constituting a form of expression in lieu of other sign copy or content;
(e) Protect historic and culturally significant signs;
(f) Promote the use of signs that are aesthetically pleasing, of appropriate scale, and integrated with surrounding buildings and landscape, in order to meet the City's expressed desire for quality development; and,
(g) Protect the public from a traffic safety concern by addressing driver fatigue, impairment, judgment, error, risk taking, and traffic violations that could occur from the:
(1) Distraction of electronic and changeable copy signs
(2) Distraction from signs that move or rotate or give the illusion of moving or rotating, and
(3) Use of letters, numbers, characters, symbols, logos and colors that hinder motorist and pedestrian perception and reaction time.
(Ord. 17-46. Passed 2-5-18.)