All signs not expressly permitted or exempt from regulation are prohibited. such signs shall include, but not be limited to:
(a) Banners, pennants, streamers or similar wind or air driven devices, except when mounted and secured entirely against a building façade.
(b) Spinning devices or strings of spinning devices.
(c) Beacons, searchlights, strings of lights or flashing lights.
(d) Helium, gas, and air balloons or similar inflatable devices located on, attached to, or anchored by structures, vehicles, the ground, or anything connected to or on the ground.
(e) Portable signs, except as authorized by specific sections within this Chapter.
(f) Signs or sign structures attached to any tree, bus shelter, utility pole, bench, trash receptacle, vending machine, dispenser or similar object or structure.
(g) A sign referencing a product or service no longer available for more than ninety (90) days.
(h) Signs attached to, painted on or supported by accessory uses or structures.
(i) Signs attached, affixed, or mounted in such a fashion as to have the effect of becoming an integral part of a motor vehicle or non-motorized wheeled vehicles such as trailers, when said vehicle is parked for more than forty-eight (48) hours in such a way as to inform or attract the attention of persons not on that premises.
(j) Signs of any classification installed, erected, or attached in any form, shape or manner to a fire escape or signs which block entrances or exits to buildings.
(k) Signs, or parts thereof, that revolve, rotate, whirl, spin or otherwise make use of motion, whether or not intended to attract attention; or any sign or any part of any sign that gives the illusion of moving or rotating.
(l) Signs located on a roof, or wholly or partly dependent upon a building for support which projects above the eave line of a building.
(m) Window signs applied on or attached to the interior or exterior of a window which cover more than thirty percent (30%) of the total window area.
(n) Signs carried, waved or otherwise displayed by persons or animals either on public rights-of-way or in a manner visible from public rights-of-way. This provision is directed toward such displays intended to draw attention for a commercial purpose, and is not intended to limit the display of placards, banners, flags or other signage by persons participating in demonstrations, political rallies and similar events.
(o) Any sign or sign structure having the effect of materially impeding vision between a height of two and one-half (2.5) feet and eight (8) feet above the centerline grades of intersecting streets or driveways within a triangular area created by measuring thirty (30) feet back from the intersection of such streets or driveways.
(p) Any other sign or sign structure that creates a hazard by obstructing the clear view of pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
(q) Any sign that electronically displays still picture, motion picture or other video content.
(r) Any sign which emits audible sound, odor or matter.
(s) Illuminated signs on residentially used property.
(t) Any sign identifying a home occupation.
(u) Any sign or part thereof which utilizes flame as a source of light.
(v) Any sign which conveys visual information that is pornographic, or otherwise obscene, indecent, or immoral.
(w) Advertising signs and similar off-premises or off-site outdoor commercial signs displayed, oriented or directed in any position or angle towards rights-of-way, other public property or other private property.
(x) A sign located in any other location that creates a hazard in the opinion of the City Engineer.
(y) Any existing sign which is not a legally non-conforming sign and which has not been previously authorized by the City of Germantown or the legal jurisdiction prior to incorporation of the property in which the sign is located.
(z) Abandoned signs. (Ord. 17-46. Passed 2-5-18.)