All detached signs shall require a single continuous landscaped area to be maintained around the entire base of the sign in accordance with the following standards:
(a) All signs shall have one (1) square foot of landscaping at the base of the sign for each two (2) square feet of sign surface area on single-faced and multiple-faced signs.
(b) For signs with multiple faces, the landscaped area shall be allocated so that a portion of the required landscaping is located in front of each sign face.
(c) Where the required landscaped area is adjacent to a paved surface accessible to vehicular traffic, a raised non-mountable curb suitable to prevent vehicular encroachment into the landscaped area shall be required. The minimum distance between the face of any such required curb and any part of the sign shall be thirty (30) inches.
(d) The required landscaped area shall contain materials such as, but not limited to, vegetative ground covers, perennials, shrubs, and ornamental trees covering at least fifty percent (50%) of the defined landscaped area at maturity. Artificial plant materials shall not be included in fulfilling this requirement.
(e) Unless modified by the City Manager or designee, all landscaping plans shall be prepared by a qualified landscape designer, nurseryman, horticulturalist or certified landscape architect.
(f) The landscaping plan shall be submitted and approved in conjunction with the sign permit application, as regulated by this Zoning Code. A plan of the landscaped area with the name, quantity, and spacing of plant materials shall be included as part of the sign permit application.
(g) Season permitting, all landscaping and related plantings shall be installed within sixty (60) days from the date of issuance of the sign permit, but in no case shall said installation be completed later than April 30th of the next calendar year.
(h) The property owner shall be responsible for landscape installation and maintenance:
(1) Replacement of plant materials that do not survive after installation in required landscaped areas is required within the next planting season or within six (6) months of the plant's demise.
(2) Required landscaped areas, curbed area and other delineating improvements shall receive regular repair and maintenance.
Examples of appropriate landscaping to accompany detached signs
(Ord. 17-46. Passed 2-5-18.)