General Provisions
72.01 Parking: parallel, diagonal, handicap, no parking, and crosswalks; exceptions
72.02 Parking; Congested District
72.03 Loading zones; no parking zones
72.04 Alleys; restrictions
72.05 Truck parking; zones where prohibited
72.06 One-hour parking
72.07 City parking lots
72.08 Parking; where prohibited
72.09 Parking, storage, or use of trailers, camper trailers, trailer with boats, and motor homes
72.10 Parking regulations of trailers, camper trailers, and motor homes in Robidoux R.V. Park during concerts at Five Rocks Amphitheater
72.11 Parking on sidewalks, pedestrian crosswalks or parkways prohibited
Parking for Persons with Disabilities
72.25 Definitions
72.26 Designation of on-street parking spaces and access aisles; display of permits
72.27 Designation of off-street parking stalls, spaces, and access aisles
72.99 Penalty