General Provisions
71.001 Reckless driving
71.002 Careless driving
71.003 Negligent driving
71.004 Passing
71.005 Following too closely
71.006 Driving on right side
71.007 Driving on left side; restrictions
71.008 Four-lane streets
71.009 Funeral processions
71.010 Backing; warning required
71.011 One-way streets
71.012 Emergency vehicles; stop required; following
71.013 Truck routes
71.014 City parks
71.015 Railroads; obstructing streets
71.016 Parades
Traffic Signs and Signals
71.030 Stop signs
71.031 Traffic signals
71.032 Crosswalk; stopping in prohibited
71.033 Yield signs
71.034 Yield to pedestrian signs
71.035 One-way street, alley signs
71.050 Intersections
71.051 Pedestrians
71.052 Emergency vehicles
Speed Restrictions
71.065 Speed limits
71.066 Alleys
71.067 Speed limits; exceptions
71.068 School zones
71.069 Speed contests
71.080 Turning at intersections
71.081 U turns
Driving Under the Influence
71.095 Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
71.999 Penalty