(A)   All motor vehicles left standing upon any of the streets of the city within the Congested District, shall be parked by the operator thereof at the curb on each side of the street headed in the direction of the traffic. Parking places in the area shall be marked at the curb at about an angle of 45 degrees or where parallel parking is required, parking places shall be marked on pavement or curb and all persons desiring to park their motor vehicles in the area shall park same between the designated marks, upon the curb and pavement. Where side parking is indicated, vehicles shall be parked with the right front wheels thereof at the curb. No motor vehicle shall be parked therein more than one tier deep or within 15 feet of the intersections of streets or within 15 feet of any fire hydrant for a period of time whatever, or at any place designated by the sign “No Parking.”
   (B)   It shall be unlawful for any person to use a designated parking space in the area herein described for sale purposes at any time whatsoever.
   (C)   No automobile truck or commercial motor vehicle with an overall length of more than 17 feet and less than 20 feet shall be parked or left standing upon any street within the Congested District, except on N Street where they shall be parked parallel with the curb.
   (D)   No motor vehicle shall be permitted to park or stop in any alley which connects with any street in the Congested District.
(Prior Code, § 72.02) Penalty, see § 72.99