The Council of the Village of Genoa has adopted as Policy Section 731.43(A) of the Ohio Revised Code. Pursuant to Section 731.45 of the Ohio Revised Code the following rules apply to filling a vacancy on Council.
   (a)   The vacancy will be posted as well as advertised in the local newspaper(s) for a period of not less than three days.
   (b)   The posting/advertising will ask perspective candidates to send a resume to the Clerk-Treasurer before a specific date that will be identified in the posting/advertisement.
   (c)   Upon Council reviewing all resumes received, Council shall determine an interview schedule, if needed, and the Clerk-Treasurer shall inform the necessary candidates.
(Ord. 17-00. Passed 3-6-00.)
   (d)   At a scheduled Council meeting, Council members may place in nomination perspective candidates to fill the vacancy. Council will then vote to fill the vacancy. A majority vote of the remaining Council members is necessary for election. In case of a tie vote, Council may waive the rules to allow the Mayor to break the tie.
(Ord. 30-12. Passed 9-4-12.)
   (e)   The Clerk-Treasurer shall certify the results of the voting and attach the ballots to the official minutes of the Council meetings.
   (f)   If Council fails to, within thirty days, fill such vacancy the Mayor shall fill it by appointment except that, when the vacancy occurs because of operation of R.C. Section 733.25, the successor shall hold office only for the period the president pro-tem of the Council holds the office of Mayor.
   (g)   The Clerk-Treasurer shall notify the Ottawa County Board of Elections, in writing, of all vacancies caused by death, resignation or otherwise in elective Village offices not later than ten days after a vacancy occurs.
   (h)   The Clerk-Treasurer will send out letters notifying all candidates of the selection and thanking them for their participation.
   (i)   All other sections of the Ohio Revised Code concerning legislative vacancies will be followed.
(Ord. 17-00. Passed 3-6-00.)