121.01 MEETINGS.
   (a)   Regular Meetings. Regular meetings of Council, commencing April 4, 2016, shall be held in the Council Chambers at 7:00 p.m. on the first and third Mondays of each month. Should any holiday fall upon the date for a regular meeting, Council shall appoint another date within the same month in lieu thereof. Council may, by majority vote, change the day and hour of holding any regular meeting or adjourn the same to a day and hour determined by a like vote of the members present, if constituting a quorum.
(Ord. 11-2016. Passed 4-4-16.)
   (b)   Special Meetings. Council shall hold such special meetings as may be found necessary, which meetings may be called by the Clerk, upon the written request of the Mayor or upon the written request of three members of Council. Any such vote or request for the calling of a special meeting shall state the subject or subjects to be considered thereat, and no other subject or subjects shall be considered. The Clerk-Treasurer shall give twelve hours' notice, in writing, of such special meeting to each member of Council and to the Mayor by personal service or by delivery thereof at their usual place of residence. Such written notice shall contain an agenda of the subject matter to be considered at such special meeting.
   (c)   Notice to Media. At least twenty-four hours prior to a special meeting the notice of such meeting, including an agenda of legislation to be considered, shall be posted by the Clerk-Treasurer according to Section 123.01 and given to the media who have so requested notification. (Ord. 17-00. Passed 3-6-00.)