General Provisions
   31.01   Discrimination policy
   31.02   Worker’s compensation
   31.03   State’s Attorney
Supervisor of Tax Collection
   31.20   Election; term
   31.21   Powers and duties
   31.22   Removal from office
   31.23   Location of office; business hours
   31.24   Tax levy; date taxes due and payable; interest rate for overdue taxes
   31.25   Deposit of state and county funds; tax-anticipated borrowing authorized; payments to public schools
   31.26   Applicability of statutory provisions
   (A)   Explanation. The following explanation is incorporated as a substantive provision of this section.
“The Board of County Commissioners of Garrett County, Maryland (the ‘Board’), governing body of Garrett County, Maryland, a body politic and corporate and a political subdivision of the State of Maryland, desires to ensure that it, its agencies, departments and employees maintain and adhere to practices which ensure that there exists, within Garrett County Government, no discriminatory practices involving employees or applicants of employment on the basis of political or religious opinion or affiliation, marital status, race, color, creed or national origin or sex or age except when sex or age constitutes a bona fide occupational qualification or the physical or mental handicap of a qualified handicapped individual. The Board further wishes to adopt and implement a policy prohibiting such discrimination, in accordance with Executive Order No. 01.01.1993.16, Code of Fair Practices, Article IX.”
(1986 Code, § 171-1)
   (B)   Discrimination prohibited. The Board, its agencies, departments and employees shall not discriminate or engage in discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment on the basis of:
      (1)   Political or religious opinion or affiliation, marital status, race, color, creed or national origin;
      (2)   Sex or age, except when sex or age constitutes a bona fide occupational qualification; or
      (3)   The physical or mental handicap of a qualified handicapped individual.
(1986 Code, § 171-2) (Res. 2-27, passed 2-27-1996)
   (A)   Coverage granted. Members of a volunteer fire company or rescue squad in Garrett County are covered employees while on duty if a volunteer fire company or rescue squad elects to make its members covered employees, and the volunteer fire company or rescue squad that elects to make its members covered employees shall pay and be liable for any premium or costs associated with having their members covered employees.
(1986 Code, § 192-1)
   (B)   Other rights not implied. This section does not convey or imply any rights as a covered employee other than that of providing for a method of securing workers compensation insurance.
(1986 Code, § 192-2)
(Res. 92-7, passed 7-28-1992)
   The State’s Attorney for Garrett County, in the conduct of the duties of his or her office and in any investigations which he or she may make from time to time relative to violations of law, shall have the same power which is now vested in Clerks of the Courts and District Courts of this state to administer oaths and to examine witnesses under oath.
(1986 Code, § 96-1) (P.L.L., 1888, Art. 12, § 217; 1930, § 502; 1957 Code, § 505; 1888, Ch. 471; 1890, Ch. 9, § 217; 1918, Ch. 115, § 217)