(A)   The Supervisor of Tax Collection shall deposit, in a bank to be designated by the Comptroller of the Treasury of Maryland, all state taxes and money due the state which may have come into the custody of the Director of Finance during the month to the credit of the Comptroller of the State Treasury, and shall receive therefor from the bank a certificate of deposit. The Supervisor of Tax Collection shall by the tenth of the following month, forward to the Comptroller, a report showing the amount placed to the Comptroller’s credit. The Supervisor of Tax Collection shall deposit to the credit of Garrett County all money in the custody of the Supervisor of Tax Collection that is received for county taxes and dues in such bank as the Director of Finance may see fit. The money shall be drawn only by the Director of Finance and only for claims which may have been levied and ordered paid by the County Commissioners.
   (B)   If sufficient taxes have not been collected to pay any orders as have been drawn against the levy, the County Commissioners are hereby authorized, if necessary, to borrow, on the faith and credit of the county, after September 1 of each year, a sum not to exceed the total uncollected taxes for the current year at the legal rate of interest, the same to be repaid from current tax collections. If tax collections shall prove insufficient to retire all of the indebtedness, the County Commissioners, in the year next succeeding the filing of the final report of the Director of Finance for the year in which such borrowing shall have taken place, shall levy an amount as may be necessary to repay the balance.
(1986 Code, § 110-10) (P.L.L., 1930, Art. 12, § 105; 1957 Code, § 90; 1890, Ch. 566, § 48; 1935, Ch. 534; 1939, Ch. 286, § 105; 1943, Ch. 165; 1963, Ch. 825, § 15; Am. by Md. H.B. 843, passed 3-24-1998; Am. by Md. H.B. 391, passed 3-6-2001)