Detached Single-Family Dwelling Units
Detached Single-Family Dwelling Units
| |
4+ bedroom | $6,282 |
3 bedroom | $5,070 |
2 bedroom | $930 |
Attached Single-Family Dwelling Units
| |
4+ bedroom | $3,480 |
3 bedroom | $1,401 |
2 bedroom | $1,233 |
| |
3+ bedroom | $2,957 |
2 bedroom | $1,042 |
1 bedroom | $395 |
* The amount of the fees as depicted in Appendix A are fees in effect as of January 1, 2007, and the fees shall increase 3% annually on January 1 of each year pursuant to § 15.35.010(A) or as otherwise may be amended by the Gardner Village Council from time to time.
(Res. R07-255, passed 1-22-2007)