(A)   Street plan.
      (1)   The arrangement, character, extent, width, grade and location of all streets shall conform to the Comprehensive Plan and official map and shall be considered in their relation to existing and planned streets; to reasonable circulation of traffic within the subdivision and adjoining lands; to topographical conditions, to runoff of storm water; to public convenience and safety; and in their appropriate relations to the proposed uses of the area to be served.
   (B)   Streets.
      (1)   All right-of-way widths shall conform to the following minimum dimensions:
Type of Street
Residential Subdivision
Manufacturing or Business Subdivision
Type of Street
Residential Subdivision
Manufacturing or Business Subdivision
Collector streets*
66 feet
80 feet**
Minor streets
66 feet
70 feet
Cul-de-sac streets
66 feet
70 feet
Half streets
One-half the total right-of-way of the proposed street or as required by the Planning and Zoning Board
Not permitted
Frontage roads
40 feet
50 feet
Right-of-way widths and other design standards of thoroughfares, including freeways, expressways, parkways, major and secondary thoroughfares, shall be in accordance with those designated on the official plan of the village and environs, or by federal, state or county authorities having jurisdiction, whichever has the greater width and design standards requirements.
*A collector street may be required by the Village Council when recommended by the Planning and Zoning Board: (1) in a residential subdivision containing 20 acres or more in area and where the lots are one-half acre or less in area; (2) in any subdivision as an extension of an existing or planned collector street in an adjacent subdivision; and (3) in any manufacturing or business subdivision.
** When the Village Engineer recommends and the Village of Gardner Planning and Zoning Board and Village Council approves, a 70-foot right-of-way may be allowed, provided adequate right-of-way is available for turn lanes and traffic lanes as traffic flow may require.
      (2)   Where there is a deflection in horizontal center lines within a given block at any given point in excess of ten degrees, a curve shall be inserted with a radius of not less than:
Collector streets
300 feet
Minor streets
100 feet
      (3)   Different connecting street gradients shall be connected with vertical curves. Minimum length in feet of these curves shall provide a stopping sight distance of not less than 300 feet, measured from an eye-level four feet height, with a clear view of an obstacle two feet in height.
      (4)   Minor streets shall be so aligned that their use by through traffic will be discouraged.
      (5)   Street jogs with center-line offsets of less than 150 feet should be avoided.
      (6)   It must be evidenced that all street intersections and confluences encourage safe and efficient traffic flow and, in general, be at or near right angles avoiding acute angles. An intersection of more than two streets shall be avoided unless specific conditions of design indicate otherwise.
      (7)   Alleys are not permitted in residential subdivisions unless deemed necessary by the Planning and Zoning Board and Village Council in which case they may be allowed, and alleys may be provided in multiple-family residence, business and manufacturing subdivisions. If provided, the minimum alley right-of-way shall be 20 feet in residential subdivisions.
      (8)   (a)   A cul-de-sac street in single-family residential districts shall be not more than 500 feet in length, measured along the center line from the street of origin to the end of the right-of-way, or may be longer than 500 lineal feet provided not more than 15 lots abut upon its right-of-way line. In multiple-family residential districts, the street shall not exceed 600 feet in length.
         (b)   Each cul-de-sac shall have a terminus of nearly circular shape with a minimum diameter of 120 feet, except a cul-de-sac street that has not more than five lots fronting on its right-of-way, or a temporary cul-de-sac street, may have a terminus of the “T” type or other variation of the circular shape as approved by the Planning and Zoning Board, and Village Council.
      (9)   Half streets shall be prohibited except where essential to the reasonable development of the subdivision in conformity with the other requirements of these regulations; and where the Village Council finds it will be practicable to require the dedication of the other half when the adjoining property is subdivided. Wherever an existing or dedicated half street is adjacent to a tract to be subdivided, other half of the street shall be platted within the tract. A half street, where included, shall be graded at one level, and the regrading or new construction of any half street shall conform to the grade and pavement of the adjacent half street.
      (10)   (a)   Provisions shall be made for vehicular and pedestrian access to residential property abutting a thoroughfare either by:
            1.   Providing frontage road; or
            2.   By backing lots to the thoroughfare and providing access by a collector, minor or cul-de-sac street one lot depth removed and with a no-access strip along the rear lot line.
         (b)   These standards are established for the purpose of providing protection for the residential properties and to provide for traffic safety and the efficient use of the thoroughfare for its intended function of accommodating through traffic.
      (11)   Gradients of streets shall be at least 0.3% and not exceed on:
Collector streets
Minor streets
      (12)   Where streets are dedicated (whether used or not), but not improved to the standards of this chapter and border on or are wholly within the proposed subdivision land, same shall be improved to the standards of this chapter, by the developer.
      (13)   All costs for engineering services, related to subdivision development design review, and construction supervision and inspection, incurred by the Village of Gardner shall be submitted to the developer and it shall be his or her responsibility to reimburse the village for those costs.
   (C)   Alleys and pedestrian ways.
      (1)   Alleys, when permitted in residential subdivisions shall be at least 20 feet wide and alleys in commercial and manufacturing subdivisions shall be not less than 30 feet wide.
      (2)   By backing lots to the thoroughfare and providing access by a collector, minor or cul-de-sac street one lot depth removed and with a no-access strip along the rear lot line.
   (D)   Easements.
      (1)   Utility distribution of transmission installations serving the subdivision, and, when required, storm water drainage ways, shall be located in easements as designated on the subdivision plat of record.
         (a)   The easements shall be located along the rear lot lines or side lot lines at locations of extensions of utility installation between-blocks, or continuity of drainage ways.
         (b)   They shall occupy not less than the rear ten feet of lot depth or ten feet of lot width adjoining the applicable side lot line, or may be of a greater width if recommended by the Village Engineer or utility company and approved by the Village Council.
         (c)   Additional easements at other locations may be recommended for specific conditions by the Village Engineer and required by the Village Council.
         (d)   Upon approval of a preliminary plat of subdivision and prior to final plat approval, the developer shall submit copies of the approved plat to utilities for their planning of utility service and their request for utility easement locations.
         (e)   Efforts shall be made to accommodate their requests for easements.
      (2)   Where a subdivision is traversed by a natural drainage way, channel or stream, there shall be provided a drainage easement, conforming substantially with the areas bordering the water course that are subject to flooding, unless the water course is improved by deepening or dredging to provide the same cross-sectional area or flow capacity, in which case the drainage easement may be narrowed to accommodate the improved water course.
         (a)   The areas within or adjacent to a subdivision site, subject to flooding or designated on the flood insurance rate map provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency to the village, shall be protected, and development will not be allowed without proper studies and reports being filed with the appropriate government agencies and written approval of the plan to protect the flood hazard areas.
         (b)   Flood hazard boundary maps are available at the Village Hall for review.
   (E)   Block standards.
      (1)   In residential subdivisions, the maximum length of blocks containing any lots less than 100 feet in width shall be 1,500 lineal feet, and the maximum length of blocks containing all lots 100 feet and over in width shall be 2,000 lineal feet. No blocks shall be less than 1,200 lineal feet in length unless approved by the Planning and Zoning Board. Pedestrian ways when deemed necessary to provide circulation or access to schools, parks, transportation or other common destinations may be required by the Planning and Zoning Board.
      (2)   In manufacturing and business subdivisions, maximum length of blocks shall be as approved by the Planning and Zoning Board.
      (3)   The shape of blocks shall be determined by topographical features, the basic street system and traffic pattern, lot depths and areas designated for public and other non-residential land uses.
      (4)   Where a subdivision borders upon or is traversed by a railroad or thoroughfare right-of-way, the Village Council may require when recommended by the Planning and Zoning Board a street on one or both sides of the right-of-way, located approximately parallel to and at a distance removed suitable for the appropriate use of the intervening land, i.e. park purposed, deep residential lots fronting on it with a no-access strip along the rear property lines, and off-street parking, business or other uses as permitted by zoning ordinance regulations.
   (F)   Lot standards.
      (1)   General.
         (a)   In general, lots should be as nearly rectangular in shape as practicable.
         (b)   Width and area of lots shall conform with lot width and area requirements set forth in the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Gardner or that of Grundy County in the unincorporated areas beyond the village limits. Corner lots shall be increased in width by 20% over the width of typical interior lots, except that corner lots need not exceed 90 feet in width, if the 90 feet in width is greater than the width of the typical lot, except the Village Council may require, when recommended by the Planning and Zoning Board, a greater lot width to provide for the proper development of intersection design and traffic safety.
         (c)   Side lines of lots shall be at right angles or radial to the street line, or substantially so.
         (d)   Lots abutting upon a water course, drainage way, channel, stream, railroad or thoroughfare shall have an additional depth or width as required by the Planning and Zoning Board in order to provide acceptable building sites.
         (e)   In the subdividing of any land, due regard shall be shown for all natural features such as tree growth, water courses, historic sites or similar conditions.
      (2)   Residential subdivision.
         (a)   Depth of lots shall not be less than 120 feet.
         (b)   All lots shall have frontage on a street, except lots which do not contain single-family dwellings in a planned development, as allowed as a conditional permitted use in accordance with regulations contained in Chapter 15.15 of this code of ordinances, which may have frontage on an easement of sufficient width for vehicular or pedestrian access to the lot from a street.
         (c)   Double-frontage lots are not permitted, except where lots back upon a thoroughfare or upon a body of water in separate or undivided ownership.
         (d)   Lots shall have a minimum frontage of 85 feet.
      (3)   Industrial and business subdivision.
         (a)   Width, area and depth of lots in a manufacturing or business subdivision shall be as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Board and approved by the Village Council.
         (b)   All lots for industrial development shall abut upon a public street.
         (c)   Double-frontage lots are not permitted except when specifically recommended by the Planning and Zoning Board and approved by the Village Council.
(Ord. G-141, passed 3-11-1996)