(A)   General. The following provisions shall further apply and shall supersede any and all references listed within the adopted edition of the International Fire Code - 2003 Edition.
   (B)   Additions, insertions and changes.
      (1)   Section 101.1 Insert “Village of Gardner”.
      (2)   Section 105.8 Pre work inspection. When a permit application is submitted, this allows the municipality to perform a pre permit inspection to determine existing conditions.
      (3)   Section 105.9 Unique construction.
         When a project has unique features, unusual construction sequences or out of the ordinary construction techniques, the Building Department shall have the authority to require additional documentation to determine code compliance. The Building Department may also add additional fees to the building permit based on the additional inspections required or to cover the cost of specialized inspections or outside inspection or testing agencies.
         Unique features or unusual construction sequence is a project where the use of features or sequences, which create the need for additional inspections other than those normally, requested by the building inspector. The features or a sequence of operations, which creates additional inspections, can create this.
      (4)   Section 108  “Means of Appeal” Delete 108.1 - 108.33 and Insert - “See Building Code amendments section F.
      (5)   Section 109.3  “Violation Penalties” - Insert the following: Penalties shall be determined by Ordinance by the Village Council”.
      (6)   Section 111.4 “Stop Work Orders” - Insert the following: Penalties shall be determined by Ordinance by the Village Council”.
      (7)   Section 901.9 Add the following: All water flow switches, valve supervision, trouble signals, fire alarm systems shall transmit and alarm to a location approved by the code official.
      (8)   Section 903.4.2 Add the following sentence: Provide a strobe above the fire department connection for all sprinkler and standpipe systems.
      (9)   Section 903.4.4 Add the following: All water flow switches, valve supervision, trouble signals, fire alarm systems shall transmit and alarm to a location approved by the code official.
      (10)   Section 3204.3.1.1 As allowed in the Zoning Ordinance as may be amended.
      (11)   Section 3204. As allowed in the Zoning Ordinance as may be amended.
      (12)   Section 3206.2.4.4 As allowed in the Zoning Ordinance as may be amended.
      (13)   Section 3804.2 As allowed in the Zoning Ordinance as may be amended.
      (14)   Referenced standards:
         (a)   Delete the references to the International Electric Code;
         (b)   Delete the references to the International Existing Building Code;
         (c)   Delete the references to the International Plumbing Code; and
         (d)   Delete the references to the International Urban-Wildland Interface Code.
      (15)   Adopt the following appendices B, C, D, E, F, G.
(Ord. VG09-008, passed 9-30-2009)