(A)   It is found that the periodic collection of garbage and refuse from all residences in the village benefits all occupants in the village, and to the extent that tax revenues are not sufficient to pay for the cost of the same, the occupants or persons in possession, charge or control of any residence in or from which garbage is created, accumulated or produced that is collected by the village or its contractors are liable for and shall pay the garbage collection fees established by the Village Council.
   (B)   Garbage collection service is provided by the village, and it shall be mandatory for all occupants or persons in possession, charge or control of places and premises in the village in or from which garbage is created, accumulated or produced to use the village’s collection service.
   (C)   It shall be unlawful for any person other than authorized agents or employees of the village to collect, remove or dispose of garbage at a residence in the village; provided, however, that nothing contained in this chapter shall prevent the use of garbage disposal devices as provided in the village Plumbing Code. Provided further, any commercial establishment within the Village of Gardner, which generates garbage or refuse as defined herein may contract with a private scavenger service other than that which is employed by the village for the removal of the same. In the event that the persons contract with the scavenger employed by the village for the collection of garbage and refuse at their commercial establishment, the village may contract with the scavenger to provide a credit equal to the commercial establishment’s pro rata share of the authorized real estate tax levy (garbage tax) to be applied against monies owed the scavenger.
   (D)   The Village Council may enter into the contracts as are authorized by Division 19 of the Illinois Municipal Code, as amended from time to time, (65 ILCS 5/11-19-1 et seq.) as are necessary to effectuate the efficient collection and disposal of garbage, refuse and ashes as defined herein.
(Prior Code, Chapter 8.36)  (Ord. G-115, passed 5-27-1986)  Penalty, see § 9.20.999