Subsequent to the approval of the City Commission, the designation of PD may be applied to any existing zoning district with the limitations described herein. There are two types of PDs. A PD may be a predominantly residential development and is referred to as a PD-RS. A PD-RS may only be applied to an existing residential district. A PD may also be a mixed-use development, referred to as a PD-MX. A PD-MX may be applied to any existing non-residential zoning district. Upon the approval of the final development plan according to this Section, the City Zoning Map shall be amended to designate the property "PD-RS or PD-MX." The tract of land proposed to be developed as a PD-MX or a PD-RS must be owned, leased, or controlled by one person or single entity and must be at least five (5) contiguous acres in size.
(Ord. 2001-35. Passed 7-17-01.)