The following minimum standards are required for arranging and developing land and buildings in the LI Light Industrial District:
   (a)   Yard and Lot Requirements:
      (1)   Minimum Lot Area: None, except that the lot size shall be adequate to meet all yard and parking requirements.
      (2)   Minimum Lot Width: None, except that all lots must abut a public street and have adequate width to meet parking and yard space requirements.
      (3)   Minimum Front Yard or Street Side Yard Depth: Structures shall be set back from all street rights-of-way a minimum of thirty feet (30'); forty feet (40') if located on an arterial street. Parking areas shall be set back at least ten feet (10') from a public right-of-way.
      (4)   Minimum Side: Fifteen feet (15') for parking areas and structure; twenty feet (20') if adjacent to any uses other than LI Light Industrial uses; and one hundred feet (100') if adjacent to a residential use.
      (5)   Minimum Rear Yard: Fifteen feet (15') in all other cases for principal and accessory structures and parking; twenty feet (20') when abutting residential districts.
      (6)   Maximum Lot Coverage: Main and accessory structures shall occupy no more than fifty percent (50%) of the lot nor in total gross floor area exceed eighty percent (80%) of the lot. For all structures, parking, open service areas, and outdoor storage, maximum lot coverage shall be eighty-five percent (85%). The remainder of the site shall be landscaped.
   (b)   Building Height Regulations. No principal structure shall exceed three (3) stories or forty-five feet (45') in height above ground level and no accessory structure shall exceed one (1) story or fifteen feet (15') in height, except as provided in Section 1181.10 .
   (c)   Site Development Requirements.
      (1)   Applicable sections of the sign, parking, and subdivision regulations must be met for all permitted and conditional uses.
      (2)   All open service areas, outdoor storage areas, or loading docks shall be screened by walls or fences six foot (6') minimum height to effectively conceal such operations from adjacent streets or adjacent property owners and uses.
      (3)   One (1) curb cut shall be allowed for each one hundred twenty feet (120') of width. On corner lots, one (1) curb cut is permitted for each fronting street, provided that each curb cut is at least sixty feet (60') from the right- of-way of the intersecting streets.
      (4)   All waste containers shall be stored within a bulk waste container surrounded by a permanent screen wall not less than six (6') feet in height.
      (5)   The site shall be designed to minimize conflict points between pedestrians and vehicles and provide adequate on-site vehicular storage for employees and visitors.
      (6)   All applicable State of Ohio air and water quality standards shall be considered as district regulations upon permitted or conditional uses.
      (7)   A descriptive text shall indicate the nature of the activity to be carried on and expected levels of noise, dust, smoke, glare, odor, or vibration to result from the normal operation of such activity. Further information as required by the Planning Commission shall be submitted either in text or on plans.
      (8)   All side and rear yards adjacent to any residential use shall be screened with a minimum continuous six foot (6') opaque wall, fence, or earth mound located no closer than three feet (3') from the property lines.
         (Ord. 2001-35. Passed 7-17-01.)