(a)   Connections Required. The owner of any dwelling, building or other structure situated within the City and abutting on any street, alley or right-of-way, in which there is now located or may in the future be located a public sanitary sewer, shall at his own expense install suitable sanitary facilities therein and connect such facilities directly with the proper sewer in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, within ninety days after date of notice to do so by the City Manager or his designee.
   (b)   Septic Tanks. 
      (1)   All residences within the City shall be provided with private septic tanks when such structures are not readily accessible to be connected to the City sewerage system.
      (2)   The Health Commissioner shall determine the necessary specifications and regulations for such septic tanks. In making such specifications and regulations he shall conform to the standards for such septic tanks as prescribed by the laws of the state, the regulations of the Ohio Department of Health and the regulations of the Gallia County Board of Health.
      (3)   The City Health Commissioner shall prepare and make available such specifications, standards and requirements.
         (1977 Code Secs. 22-28 to 22-30.)
   (c)   Permit; Tap Fee.
      (1)   No person within the City limits shall tap on to the municipal sewer system without obtaining a permit for such tap from the City Manager or his designee.
      (2)   The charge for such permit shall be the sum of three hundred dollars ($300.00) plus the cost of labor and materials for the installation and connection of such sewer tap, plus an administrative fee of twenty percent (20%) of such installation and connection fees.
         (Ord. 99-50. Passed 8-3-99.)