There is hereby adopted an Education Assistance Program for eligible supervisory employees of the City, which shall be available upon the following terms and conditions:
(a) Supervisory employees who have been in the employ of the City for at least twelve consecutive months are encouraged to pursue an education by enrolling in courses which may be directly or indirectly related to the present position or future promotions, or courses which are required in the pursuit of a degree in the employee's line of work.
(b) Supervisory employees who wish to participate in the Education Assistance Program shall obtain the approval of the Safety-Service Director before enrolling for the course(s).
(c) Procedures and criteria for participation shall be established by the Safety-Service Director, which shall include, without limitation, a determination of whether a course is directly or indirectly related to such employee's present position or future promotions, or are required in pursuit of a degree in the employee's line of work and whether the educational institution where the course(s) is/are offered is acceptable. Approval by the Safety-Service Director is solely at his discretion.
(d) Payment shall be by reimbursement of tuition expenses after receiving a satisfactory grade (C or better) in an approved course. Such educational assistance shall be limited to tuition up to a maximum of four hundred dollars ($400.00) per year.
(e) A supervisory employee receiving educational assistance shall remain in the employ of the City for at least twelve consecutive months following completion of a course for which assistance has been received. Unless waived by reason of exceptional circumstances, any employee who leaves the employ of the City before the expiration of such time shall repay the City for all tuition received for courses completed within such twelve month period.
(Ord. 90-5843. Passed 8-28-90.)