(a) Minimum Lot Area. 6,750 square feet.
(b) Minimum Lot Width. Forty-five (45) feet of lot width with frontage on a publicly dedicated, improved street or highway.
(c) Minimum Front Yard Depth. Twenty (20) feet, or the least of the front yards of the four (4) most proximate principal structures (including porches) on the same side of the street facing thereon, whichever is less. For purposes of this Section, the least front yard used as a reference shall not have been allowed by a previous variance. In no case shall any front yard be less than ten (10) feet. (Ord. 2014-84. Passed 11-25-14.)
(d) Minimum Side Yard Depth. Seven-and-one-half (7 ½) feet; Fifteen (15) feet adjacent to a street.
On existing lots of record of sixty (60) feet of lot width or less, the side yard shall be six (6) feet, or the least of the side yards of the four (4) most proximate principal structures on the same side of the street thereon, whichever is less. For purposes of this Section, the side yard used as a reference shall not have been allowed by a previous variance. In no case shall any side yard that abuts a street be less than twelve (12) feet.
(e) Minimum Rear Yard Depth. Twenty (20) feet.
(f) Minimum Area of Principal Building. 1,050 square feet of living area for structures, excluding basement and garage areas.
(g) Lot Coverage. All structures, including accessory structures, shall cover not more than 40% of the area of the lot.
(h) Maximum Building Height. Thirty-five (35) feet.
(i) Additional Requirements for New Lots Developed in the R-1C District. Presently undeveloped areas outside the older portion of the City may be developed in the R-1C District, subject to the following regulations:
(1) Adjacent to R-1C District. The property to be zoned for new R-1C development must be located adjacent to area of the City zoned in the R-1C District.
(2) Site Plan. A Site Plan, pursuant to Section 1127.02(g) of this Ordinance, shall be required for all new residential development within the R-1C District, containing more than five (5) dwelling units. Such Site Plan shall show the proposed layout of all streets, lots and buildings, as well as the location of all public spaces.
(3) Garages. All garages shall be located within the rear yard.
(4) Street Trees. Street trees shall be required along all new streets developed within R-1C District. Such trees shall be spaced not further than thirty feet (30') apart and shall be a minimum of twelve feet (12') of overall height or a minimum caliper (trunk diameter measured six inches above the ground) of at least two inches (2") at time of planting. Such trees shall not be of a variety or species listed as undesirable in Section 1177.04 of this Ordinance.
(5) Sidewalks. Sidewalks of not less than four (4) feet in width shall be required for both sides of all new streets developed within the R-1C District.
(6) Required Open Space. Not less than fifteen percent (15%) of the total net developable area of the proposed development shall be dedicated to permanent open space parks, and/or public spaces. Such open space shall be granted to a homeowner's association, or - with the approval of the City Council - may be granted to the City. For the purposes of this calculation, net developable area shall mean the area of the site proposed for development, minus public and/or private streets and/or alleys.
(Ord. 2009-85. Passed 12-8-09.)