(a)   No privacy fences shall be permitted within twenty feet in any direction from a point where a driveway intersects with a sidewalk, or a front property line if there is no sidewalk.
   (b)   No barbed wire fence shall be constructed, erected or maintained in any district except when being used as part of a security fence in a Commercial or Industrial District, provided that it is a minimum of seven feet above natural grade.
   (c)   No electrically-charged fence shall be constructed, erected or maintained in any district.
   (d)   All fences shall be maintained in good condition, be structurally sound and attractively finished at all times. Any ground between the fence and property line shall be well maintained.
   (e)   No chain link or mesh wire fence shall be constructed in any residential district unless the unfinished and sharp edges on the fence are pointing toward the ground. The top edges of all metal fences constructed, erected or maintained in any residential district shall be of a smooth finish with no protruding sharp edges.
   (f)   In order for a fence to be constructed adjacent to, or in proximity with a property line, the property owner proposing the fence shall:
      (1)   Construct the fence of maintenance-free materials as determined by the Zoning Inspector.
      (2)   Construct the fence so it can be easily dismantled from its owner's side for the purpose of maintaining it entirely within the owner's property; or
      (3)   Enter into a written agreement with the neighboring property owner stating that the owner of the fence has free access to the neighboring property for the purpose of maintaining the fence and land beneath. A copy of this agreement must be submitted with the application for a fence permit.
   If at least one of these conditions is not met, the fence shall be placed a minimum of three feet from the neighboring property line.
   (g)   At all street intersections, the intersections of private driveways and public rights of way, and the intersections of two private driveways, and twenty feet in any direction therefrom, there shall be no fence or dense vegetation above a height of three feet above the grade which would impede the clear vision between vehicles and pedestrians at such intersections.
   (h)   All fences on a parcel shall have a unified style along a single plane and for all fence segments visible, from off the premises, from any single direction.
   (i)   All swimming pools shall be fenced so as to prevent uncontrolled access by children from the street or from adjacent properties. Such fences must be a minimum of five feet in height; all openings, doorways and entrances into the pool area shall be equipped with gates of equal height with the fence, which gates shall be provided with latches and locks.
(Ord. 93-6004. Passed 2-9-63.)