(a)   If the owner or occupant of a dangerous building fails or refuses to vacate it after notice is served and within the time for compliance, the Mayor shall institute proceedings against the owner or operator through the Law Director.
   (b)   If the owner fails or refuses to repair a dangerous building after notice and within the time for compliance, the Mayor shall post a notice at conspicuous places on and in the building stating that the building is a dangerous building and shall not be occupied or used for any purpose until it has been repaired and approved by the Mayor. Such notice may not thereafter be removed by anyone other than the Mayor or his authorized agent.
      (1)   If the owner of a dangerous building fails or refuses to demolish a dangerous building after notice and within the time for compliance, the Mayor is authorized to take the necessary measures for accomplishing its demolition and removal. He shall advertise for bids for a contract for such demolition for a period of two weeks in a newspaper of general circulation within the City and shall present such bids to Council for acceptance or rejection. Only the lowest and best bid may be accepted by the City.
      (2)   The cost incurred by the City in accomplishing the demolition and removal shall be paid from the City Treasury out of the proper fund as designated by the ordinance or resolution authorizing the contract for demolition. The City may appropriate to its own use any materials obtained in demolishing the building to compensate it for any part of the cost of demolition.
      (3)   The total cost of such demolition, whether such costs are incurred due to the use of employees, materials and equipment of the City or by contract for labor, materials and equipment or both, including the cost of service or publication of notice, together with a proper description of the premises, shall be certified by the Clerk of Council to the County Auditor to be placed by him on the tax duplicate as a lien upon such premises, to be collected as other taxes and returned to the City as provided in Ohio R.C. 715.261.
         (Ord. 71-4333. Passed 7-20-71.)