   96.01   Cemetery land description
   96.02   Governance
   96.03   Rules and regulations
   96.04   Reports
   96.05   Cemetery Sexton-Superintendent
   96.06   Conditions of lot purchases
   96.07   Sale of lots
   96.08   Interments and disinterments
   96.09   Property damage; financial responsibility
   96.10   Traffic regulations
   96.11   Lot plantings and improvements
   96.99   Penalty
   The following tracts of real property previously owned by the Memorial Cemetery Association and conveyed to the town, a municipal corporation, by quitclaim deed dated April 24, 2001, and the corrective quitclaim deed dated April 30, 2001, shall be known as the municipal cemetery:
   (A)   A part of the Southeast Quarter of Section Nine, Township 21 North, Range 24, W.I.M., Ellis County, State of Oklahoma, being described as the Northeast eight acres of the Section Nine, Township 21 North, Range 24, W.I.M., Ellis County, Oklahoma.
   (B)   A part of the Southeast Quarter of Section Nine, Township 21 North, Range 24, W.I.M., Ellis County, State of Oklahoma, being more particularly described as follows: commencing at a point 33 feet west of the Northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of Section Nine, Township 21 North, Range 24, W.I.M., thence running south on a line parallel to the east line of said Southeast Quarter, a distance of 418 feet; thence running west on a line parallel with the north line of said Southeast Quarter a distance of 833.68 feet; thence south on a line parallel to the east on a line of said Southeast Quarter, a distance of 209 feet; thence east on a line parallel to the north line of said Southeast Quarter, a distance of 833.68 feet; thence north on a line parallel to the east line of said southeast quarter, a distance of 209 feet, to the point of beginning.
   (C)   A parcel of land located in the Southeast Quarter of Section Nine, Township 21 North, Range 24, W.I.M., Ellis County, State of Oklahoma, being more particularly described as follows: commencing at point known as the southwest corner of the existing cemetery fence, thence south a distance of 200 feet, thence east a distance of 832 feet, thence north a distance of 200 feet, thence west a distance of 832 feet, to the point of beginning, containing 166,400 square feet more or less, less and except all oil, gas, minerals and minerals rights in and under and that may be produced from the above described real property.
(Prior Code, § 7-3-1) (Ord. 170, passed 4-30-2001)