The following residential zones are established:
A. R-1 (single-family residential) is designed for neighborhoods of single-family type residences on individual lots. Minimum lot sizes within the R-1 zone are further described in § 15.08.050 and as they appear on the Zoning Map.
B. R-1P (single-family residential preservation) is designed for mature single-family neighborhoods where the existing housing and environment is a valuable asset to the city and should be preserved.
C. R-2 (two-family residential) is designed for neighborhoods where a limited increase in population density is acceptable by permitting two dwelling units on a single lot. This zoning is applicable primarily to older neighborhoods with deep lots.
D. R-2P (two-family residential preservation) is designed for mature neighborhoods where the existing housing and environment is a valuable asset to the city and should be preserved, and where a limited increase in population density is acceptable by permitting two dwelling units on a single lot. Opportunities for additional and replacement housing are also provided where appropriate.
E. R-G (garden-type multiple-family residential) is designed for neighborhoods where limited-density apartment and condominium development must fit compatibly within an area of single-family type residences.
F. R-3R (restricted multiple-family residential) is designed for use where limited density apartment and condominium development must fit compatibly in close proximity to an area of single-family type residences.
G. R-3P (multiple-family residential preservation) is designed for mature neighborhoods where the existing housing and environment is a valuable asset to the city and should be preserved, while opportunities for additional and replacement housing are also provided where appropriate.
H. R-3 (limited-density multiple-family residential) is designed for use where apartment and condominium development can be physically separated from single-family type residences by a street or terrain feature.
I. R-4 (medium-density multiple-family residential) is designed for use where physical separation from single-family residential areas is possible, where proximity to shopping and service centers is available, and where frontage exists on major, primary, or secondary collector streets for facilitating the flow of heavier residential traffic.
J. R-5 (maximum-density multiple-family) is designed for high-rise apartments and condominiums to meet the specialized needs for high-density housing. Locations that would be close to the colleges or to central business districts and isolated where possible from single-family residential areas are considered most appropriate for such high-density zoning.
K. R-MH (Mobile Home Park) is designed for mobile home neighborhoods and compatible activities associated therewith.
(Ord. 3232 (part), 2016; Ord. 2982, 2001).
A. Land uses in residential zones shall be in accordance with Table 15.17.020.A and Section 15.17.030 of this chapter.
B. The more restrictive of any additional qualifications, limitations, or conditions set forth in the use definitions of Chapter 15.04 of this title shall apply.
C. Any activity or use not specifically listed in Table 15.17.020.A shall be considered an unpermitted use unless determined by the Community Development Director to be similar to a listed permitted use in the zone and consistent with the zone's purpose.
Table 15.17.020.A
Permitted Uses in Residential Zone Classifications
Permitted Uses in Residential Zone Classifications
Reference 15.17.030 | R-1/ R-1P | R-2/ R-2P | R-G | R-3R | R-3/ R-3P | R-4 | R-5 | R-MH
Reference 15.17.030 | R-1/ R-1P | R-2/ R-2P | R-G | R-3R | R-3/ R-3P | R-4 | R-5 | R-MH
| |
Single Family | A | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | |
Two Family | A | X | X | X | X | X | X | ||
Multiple-Family | A, B | X | X | X | X | X | |||
Manufactured Housing | A, C | X | |||||||
Mobile Home | A, D, See also 15.17.070.H | X | X | ||||||
Dormitory | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | ||
Accessory Dwelling Unit, including Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit | See 15.17.100 | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | |
Sorority and Fraternity | See 15.17.110 | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | |
Supportive Housing | E | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | |
Transitional Housing | E | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | |
Small Group Home (six or fewer persons) | F | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | |
Large Group Home (more than six persons) | See 15.55.030.G | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | |
Small Residential Care Facility for the Elderly (six or fewer persons) | F | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | |
Large Residential Care Facility for the Elderly (more than six persons) | See 15.55.030.G | CUP | CUP | CUP | |||||
Retirement Complex, Type I: Independent Detached Cluster Units | See 15.55.030.H | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | ||||
Retirement Complex, Type II: Independent Detached Cluster Units | See 15.55.030.H | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | |||
Retirement Complex, Type III: Congregate Low-rise Multi-unit | See 15.55.030.H | CUP | CUP | CUP | |||||
Retirement Complex, Type IV: Congregate Low-rise Retirement Hotel | See 15.55.030.H | CUP | CUP | CUP | |||||
Retirement Complex, Type V: Congregate Mid/High-rise Multi-unit | See 15.55.030.H | CUP | CUP | ||||||
Retirement Complex, Type VI: Congregate Mid/High-rise Retirement Hotel | See 15.55.030.H | CUP | CUP | ||||||
Small Family Child-Care Home (eight or fewer children) | G | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Large Family Child-Care Home (nine to fourteen children) | H | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | |
Child-Care Center (fifteen or more children) | See 15.55.030.E | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | |
Accessory Buildings and Structures | I | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Domestic Animals | J | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Kennel, Noncommercial | J | X | |||||||
Traditional Domestic Animals
| J | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Non-Traditional Domestic Animals | K | X | |||||||
Livestock | L | X | |||||||
Exotic Animals | M | NP | NP | NP | NP | NP | NP | NP | NP |
Animal Fostering | N | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Garage Sales | L | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Beekeeping | S | X | |||||||
Bed and Breakfast Inn | See 15.55.030.A | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | ||
Boarding and Lodging House | X | X | |||||||
Commercial Telecommunication Facility | See 15.55.020.B | MSP | MSP | MSP | MSP | MSP | MSP | MSP | MSP |
Commercial Stable | See 15.55.030.D | CUP | |||||||
Home Business | M | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Cemetery | CUP | ||||||||
Parking Structure | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | ||
Private Parking Area | N | CUP | CUP | X | X | X | X | X | |
Rented Room | O | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Private School | See 15.55.030.E | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | |
Special Event | See 15.55.020.D | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP |
Temporary Commercial Use | See 15.55.020.E | ||||||||
OTHER USES | |||||||||
Agriculture | See 15.55.020.A | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Religious Institution | See 15.55.030.E | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | ||
Cannabis Cultivation | NP | NP | NP | NP | NP | NP | NP | NP | |
Communication Facility, Noncommercial | See 15.55.020.C | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Community/Social Service Facility | See 15.55.030.D | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | ||
Convenience Shops | P | X | |||||||
Electric Distribution Substation | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | CUP | |
Golf Course | CUP | ||||||||
Marijuana Related Use and/or Activity
| NP | NP | NP | NP | NP | NP | NP | NP | |
Parking and/or Storage of Resident’s Recreational Vehicles | Q | X | X | X | X | X | |||
Recreational Area, Lighted | R | MSP | MSP | MSP | MSP | MSP | MSP | MSP | MSP |
Short-term Rental | 15.55.02 0.F | X | X1 | X1 | X1 | X1 | X1 | X1 | |
Notes: X denotes that the use is permitted. 1 Up to 10 percent of the units within a multi-family development, or a minimum of 1, whichever is greater may be utilized as a short-term rental subject to compliance with Section 15.55.020.F. A Conditional Use Permit (CUP) shall be required for multi-family developments requesting more than 10 percent of units to be used as short-term rentals. MSP denotes that the use is permitted with the approval of a Minor Site Plan in accordance with Chapter 15.47 of this title. CUP denotes that the use is permitted with the approval of a Conditional Use Permit in accordance with Chapter 15.70 of this title. NP: denotes that the use is not permitted. | |||||||||
(Ord. 3326 § 3 (part), 2023: Ord. 3290 § 1 (part), 2020; Ord. 3255 § 4, 2018; Ord. 3252 § 2, 2017; Ord. 3247 (part), 2017; Ord. 3232 (part), 2016; Ord. 3227 § 2, 2016; Ord. 3222 § 4, 2015; Ord. 3197 § 4, 2013; Ord. 3190 § 2, 2013; Ord. 3026, 2003; Ord. 2982, 2001).
The following qualifications, limitations, and conditions apply to the uses described in Table 15.17.020.A. The more restrictive of any additional qualifications, limitations, or conditions set forth in the use definitions of Chapter 15.04 of this title shall apply.
A. Occupancy restrictions.
1. No use of a residential unit may exceed the occupancy load set out in Section 503.2 of the Uniform Housing Code, i.e., at least one room with 120 square feet of floor area, and at least 70 square feet in each additional sleeping room, plus an additional 50 square feet for each extra person beyond two people in any such room.
2. No use of a residential unit may exceed an occupancy load that would result in fewer than 100 square feet of usable open space, as defined in Subsection 15.17.040.E of this chapter, on the premises per occupant.
B. Multiple-family dwellings shall include cooperatively owned apartments and condominiums.
C. Manufactured housing.
1. Manufactured housing meeting the requirements of Section 65852.3 of the California Government Code may be placed only on a permanent foundation on an otherwise vacant lot with a zone of R-1-6,000 or R-1-7,200, provided all require-ments of this chapter and title are met.
2. The following additional requirements shall apply:
a. Manufactured homes shall have exterior siding extending to the ground or to the top of a solid foundation and consisting of materials found by the Director of Development Services to be those customarily utilized in conventionally built single-family dwelling.
b. Manufactured homes shall have a shingled, pitched roof (at least 2 to 12), with at least 12-inch eave overhangs.
c. Manufactured homes shall have any accessory buildings designed with the same exterior materials and roof designs as the main structure.
D. Mobile homes and house trailers:
1. A mobile home or house trailer, as defined in Section 15.04, may only be used for living or sleeping accommodations when located in a mobile home park or on a permanent foundation in specific R-1 zones, subject to the provisions set forth in Subsection 15.17.030.C of this chapter.
2. The storage of a mobile home or house trailer is regulated by Subsection 15.17.030.Q of this chapter.
E. Transitional and Supportive housing:
1. Transitional and Supportive housing shall be considered a residential use of property, permitted in dwellings designed for non-transient occupancy, and shall be subject to the development standards of the zoning district in which they are located.
2. Transitional or supportive housing which cannot be made to comply with the underlying zoning standards may be permitted by Conditional Use Permit. In such case, the Conditional Use Permit will be evaluated based on the factors listed in Subsection 15.70.040.C of this Title and the following:
a. Compatibility between proposed project and existing/surrounding development.
b. Potential impacts on surrounding uses involving noise, parking, traffic, activity and security.
c. Provision of a full-time on-site manager.
d. Proximity of property to transit and social service agencies.
e. Impacts on accredited K- 12 schools within one quarter mile (1,320 feet) of the project site.
F. Group home or 24-hour care facility; small residential care facility for the elderly:
A group home or a 24-hour care facility means a dwelling licensed by the state of California to accept and care for six or fewer mentally disordered or otherwise handicapped persons or dependent and neglected children. A small residential care facility for the elderly means a dwelling licensed by the state of California to accept six or fewer residents who are over 60 years of age, which provide varying levels and intensities of care and supervision or personal care.
1. These types of facilities are permitted in all residential zones provided the number of persons cared for at any one time does not exceed six.
2. When an outdoor recreational area is provided for the use of the occupants, it must be fenced and maintained in such a manner as not to constitute a nuisance to surrounding or adjoining residential properties.
G. Small family child-care home:
Small family child-care home means a detached single-family dwelling, comprising the only dwelling on a residentially zoned lot, which provides licensed family child-care to eight or fewer children, including children who reside at the home. A small family child-care home is governed by the California Health and Safety Code, which effectively prohibits any local regulations of these facilities.
H. Large family child-care home:
A large family child-care home (caring for between nine and 14 children, inclusive) may exist in detached single-family dwellings, comprising the only dwelling on a residentially zoned lot, and shall be subject to the following conditions:
1. No large family child-care home shall locate closer than three hundred linear feet to any other child-care home or child-care center regardless of size. A large family child-care home that is operated on property of a religious institution or a college is exempt from this provision. A large family child-care home located within 300 feet of another child-care facility (i.e., a small or large child-care home or a child-care center) may be approved through a Conditional Use Permit when findings of insignificant impact can be made.
2. A large family child-care home shall provide off-street vehicular loading areas with on-site circulation such that children may be safely loaded and unloaded from vehicles off the street, and pedestrian/vehicle conflicts are minimized. Under no circumstances shall children be required to cross a street to access the facility.
3. One off-street parking space shall be provided for each day care worker on duty, in addition to the parking originally required for the dwelling. One guest space shall also be provided for each six children, or portion thereof, cared for by the facility. The spaces shall not be located in a required street setback area, but may be located in tandem when site conditions make it infeasible to provide the required parking otherwise.
4. A large family child-care home shall maintain an outdoor play area that adjoins any residentially zoned property in such a manner so as not to constitute a nuisance to the residential use. A solid six-foot high masonry wall shall be constructed along the perimeter of the facility adjacent to all such outdoor play areas in the side and rear yards to mitigate noise.
5. A large family child-care home shall comply with noise and maintenance regulations of the zone andwill be subject to applicable abatement/ nuisance procedures if necessary to mitigate incompatibility with the surrounding neighbor-hood and the intent of these regulations.
I. Accessory buildings and structures
The requirements for a one-story accessory building or structure are indicated below:
1. A habitable accessory building is subject to the following requirements:
a. It shall comply with the front yard setback and height requirements for the main building on the property.
b. When physically attached to the main building, it shall also comply with the side and rear setback requirements for the main building on the property.
c. When detached from the main building:
(i.) If less than 600 square feet in area and not more than ten feet in height at the property line, it shall be exempt from side and rear yard setback requirements for the main building on the property, provided all drainage is directed to the property on which the building is located and the building meets applicable fire separation requirements per the Fullerton Building Code. Within a required side or rear yard, height of the building may increase one foot for each foot of setback from the property line, with maximum height not to exceed the requirements of the zone in which it is located.
(ii.) If 600 or more square feet in area or more than ten feet in wall height, it shall be located in accordance with setback requirements for the main building on the property. A minor reduction in side or rear-yard setback may be granted subject to approval of a Minor Exception pursuant to Chapter 15.66 of this title.
d. The architectural design shall be visually compatible with the main dwelling unit on the property and with the neighborhood character, as determined by the Community Development Director or his or her designee. The determination may be appealed to the Planning Commission.
e. Applicant shall prepare a Land Use Agreement for the property, subject to review and approval by the Community Development Director, that prohibits the conversion of any or all of the accessory building to a separate dwelling unit. Once approved, the applicant shall provide an executed and notarized Agreement to the City to be recorded with the Orange County Recorder, and future sale of the property shall be subject to the Agreement.
2. A non-habitable accessory building is subject to the following requirements:
a. It shall comply with the front yard setback and height requirements for the main building on the property.
b. When physically attached to the main building, it shall also comply with the side and rear setbacks as specified for the main building on the property.
c. When detached from the main building:
(i.) If less than 600 square feet in area and not more than ten feet in height at the property line, it shall be exempt from side and rear yard setback requirements for the main building on the property, provided all drainage is directed to the property on which the building is located and the building meets applicable fire separation requirements per the Fullerton Building Code. Within a required side or rear yard, height of the building may increase one foot for each foot of setback from the property line, with maximum height not to exceed the requirements for the main building on the property.
(ii.) If 600 or more square feet in area or more than ten feet in wall height, it shall be located to meet setback requirements for the main unit on the property. A minor reduction in side or rear yard setback may be granted subject to approval of a Minor Exception pursuant to Chapter 15.66 of this title. Rear yard setbacks do not apply where a rear property line does not abut a property with a residential zone classification.
d. The architectural design shall be visually compatible with the main dwelling unit on the property and with the neighborhood character, as determined by the Community Development Director or his or her designee. The determination may be appealed to the Planning Commission.
4. A detached two-story habitable or non-habitable accessory building may be allowed in the R-1 and R-1P zones provided that it complies with the development standards for the main building on the property and its architectural design is visually compatible with the main dwelling unit on the property and with the neighborhood character, as determined by the Community Development Director or his/her designee. The Director’s determination regarding architectural compatibility may be appealed to the Planning Commission. Applicant shall prepare a Land Use Agreement for the property, subject to review and approval by the Community Development Director, that prohibits the conversion of any or all of the accessory building to a separate dwelling unit. Once approved, the applicant shall provide an executed and notarized Agreement to the City to be recorded with the Orange County Recorder and future sale of the property shall be subject to the Agreement.
5. The area of all accessory buildings shall be included in calculations for lot coverage, floor/area ratio requirements and usable open space requirements for the zone in which it is located. The area of all accessory structures shall not be included in calculations for lot coverage requirements of Section 15.17.050.C and may be included in calculations for usable open space requirements of Section 15.17.050.E when designed for outdoor living or recreation.
J. Traditional domestic animals:
1. For the purposes of this section, traditional domestic animals shall include those animals that have been traditionally regarded as domesticated or tame house pets and shall be limited to the following:
a. Dogs and cats:
I. Lots of 20,000 square feet or less (excluding duplexes, apartments, condominiums or mobile homes): Any combination of dogs and cats totaling four animals, plus their offspring less than four months old, per lot of 20,000 square feet or less. The keeping of four dogs requires a property having an R-1 or R-1P zone and a noncommercial kennel license obtained from Orange County Animal Control.
II. Lots over 20,000 square feet (excluding duplexes, apartments, condominiums or mobile homes): Any combination of dogs and cats totaling five animals, plus their offspring less than four months old, per lot over 20,000 square feet. The keeping of four or more dogs requires a property having an R-1 or R-1P zone and a noncommercial kennel license obtained from the Orange County Animal Control. Permission to keep additional dogs and cats in excess of the limitations in this provision will require the approval of a Conditional Use Permit.
III. Duplexes, apartments, condominiums or mobile homes: Two adult dogs or cats, or one of each, plus their offspring less than four months per each duplex unit, apartment unit, condominium or mobile home.
b. Small household pets:
I. Small household pets means hamsters, guinea pigs, white rats and/or mice, nonpoisonous snakes not exceeding six feet in length, turtles, nonpoisonous toads, lizards, salamanders, newts, chameleons, kangaroo rats, rabbits, fish and birds, except as otherwise provided by law.
II. Number. Up to four small household pets, not including fish, may be kept in one dwelling unit in any combination. Additional small household pets may be obtained at the discretion of the planning department with a conditional use permit.
2. This section shall not take precedence over more restrictive regulations regarding the keeping of animals imposed by any property owner, property manager or homeowners association.
K. Non-traditional domestic animals.
1. Poultry.
a. Roosters and peacocks shall not be permitted in any residential zone.
b. Lots of less than 7,000 square feet: Poultry is not permitted.
c. Lots of 7,000 square feet or more (excluding duplexes, apartments, condominiums or mobile homes): Four animals may be kept on a lot containing not less than eighty square feet of fenced outdoor exercise space to be used by the animal on the property. One additional animal may be kept for each additional one hundred square feet of space; however, no more than four animals may be allowed without approval of a Conditional Use Permit.
d. Duplexes, apartments, condominiums or mobile homes: Poultry is not permitted.
e. Distance. Between 10:00 pm and 7:00 am, poultry must be kept or caged more than 30 feet from all habitable dwellings, except the one occupied by the animal's keeper.
2. Miniature pigs, pygmy goats and miniature horses.
a. Lots of 20,000 square feet or less: Miniature pigs, pygmy goats and miniature horses are not permitted.
b. Lots of 20,000 square feet or more (excluding duplexes, apartments, condominiums or mobile homes):
i. Pygmy goats and miniature horses: Two animals may be kept on a lot containing not less than 20,000 square feet of fenced outdoor exercise space to be used by the animal on the property. One additional animal may be kept for each additional 15,000 square feet of space; however, no more than three animals may be allowed without an approval of a Conditional Use Permit.
ii. Miniature pigs: One animal may be kept on a property containing not less than 300 square feet of fenced outdoor exercise space to be used by the animal on the property. One additional animal may be kept for each additional 300 square feet of outdoor exercise space; however, no more than three animals may be allowed without an approval of a Conditional Use Permit.
c. Duplexes, apartments, condominiums or mobile homes: Poultry is not permitted.
d. Distance. Between 10:00 pm and 7:00 am, miniature pigs, pygmy goats, and miniature horses shall be penned or stabled at least 30 feet from all habitable dwellings, except the one occupied by the animal's keeper.
e. Medical care. Miniature pigs, pygmy goats and miniature horses shall receive a yearly inspection by a certified veterinarian with experience treating animals of the same breed. Keepers of miniature pigs, pygmy goats and miniature horses shall maintain a yearly certificate from a certified veterinarian certifying that all animals are up to date on their recommended deworming schedule and vaccinations. This yearly certificate shall also document the animal's weight and height at the time of inspection.
f. Size. Each miniature pig shall weigh no more than two hundred fifty pounds. Each miniature horse shall weigh no more than two hundred fifty pounds. Each pygmy goat shall weigh no more than one hundred pounds.
g. Compliance with other codes. Miniature pigs, pygmy goats and miniature horses shall be kept in compliance with all requirements of Animal Care Services of the Orange County Health Care Agency.
h. Additional requirements for miniature pigs.
i. Any person owning or having custody of a miniature pig shall maintain a certificate of sterilization signed by a licensed veterinarian.
3. This section shall not take precedence over more restrictive regulations regarding the keeping of animals imposed by any property owner, property manager or homeowners association.
L. Livestock and other animals:
1. Livestock means bovine, swine (except miniature pigs), equine (except miniature horses) animals and goats (except pygmy goats), sheep and llamas.
2. Livestock fences. Every owner, keeper, custodian or harborer of livestock shall erect and/or maintain a fence as herein described to contain and confine all livestock kept or maintained on his premises.
a. Such fence shall be sufficiently good, strong and substantial as to prevent the ingress and egress of livestock. No wire fence is a good and substantial fence within the meaning of this section unless it has three tightly stretched barbed wires securely fastened to posts of reasonable strengths, firmly set into the ground no more than one rod apart, one of which wires should be at least four feet above the surface of the ground. Any kind of wire or other fence of height, strength and capacity equal to or greater than the wire fence herein described is a good and substantial fence within the meaning of this section. Cattle guards of such width, depth, rail spacing and construction as will effectively turn livestock are also a good and substantial fence.
3. Livestock may be kept under the following conditions:
i. Two adult animals may be kept on property with an R-1 zone containing not less than three-fourths of an acre of net land area within the boundaries of the property. Net land area is defined as the gross land area minus any dedications. One additional animal may be kept for each additional 15,000 square feet of land; however, no more than five adult animals may be allowed without an approval of a Conditional Use Permit. The offspring of bovine animals shall be counted as adults when they are six months old and of equine animals when they are one year old.
ii. No animal as described in subsection (b) shall be permitted to approach closer than 50 feet to a habitable dwelling on adjacent property and 30 feet to a patio, swimming pool or similar facility on adjacent property.
iii. Additional equine animals in excess of the limitations in this provision, including a commercial stable, may be kept on vacant property with an R-1 zone having no less than three-fourths of an acre, subject to the approval of a Conditional Use Permit.
M. Wild, Exotic, Dangerous and Non-domestic Animals. Fullerton has adopted Orange County's code on wild, exotic, dangerous and non-domestic animals. See Orange County Code Title 4, Section 4-1-94: Wild, Exotic, Dangerous and Nondomestic animals and Section 4-1-95: Declaration and possession of vicious or potentially dangerous dog. All animals prohibited by the State of California are prohibited in Fullerton.
N. Animal fostering and temporary keeping of animals. Short-term animal fostering is permitted subject to the following rules:
1. Any person fostering or temporarily keeping an animal must be able to present a valid foster agreement with an accredited local shelter or sanctuary.
2. Number of animals.
a. Dogs and cats. Any property where more than the permitted number dogs and cats are kept, for any length of time, must obtain an animal permit from Orange County Animal Control.
b. All other animals. The number limits specified above, for all animals other than dogs and cats, also apply to fostered and temporarily kept animals. These number limits may only be exceeded with a conditional use permit from the Fullerton Planning Department.
3. Setbacks, noise limits, zoning districts and maintenance standards. Except for number limits on dogs and cats, all rules related to animal keeping, including setbacks, noise limits, sanitation and maintenance requirements and animal size limits also apply to animal fostering. For example, a property not permitted to keep pygmy goats permanently is also not permitted to foster pygmy goats.
O. Garage sales:
Garage sales shall be a temporary permitted use under the following conditions:
1. Goods and equipment displayed and sold shall be only those owned by and part of the normal household effects of the occupant(s) of the premises on which the sale is held.
2. The goods shall not be displayed or sold in the public right-of-way, nor after sundown.
3. No such sale shall last more than three consecutive days, nor be repeated on the same premises more frequently than once each six months.
4. A maximum of three garage sale signs shall be permitted; each may be no more than two square feet in area. The signs may be posted on premises other than those of the sale only with the written permission of the owner of those premises; they may not be posted in a public right-of-way; they shall be displayed during daylight hours only and shall be removed at the termination of the sale.
P. Home based businesses:
Home businesses are permitted in any residential zone classification with the following restrictions:
1. No employees other than persons who permanently reside on the premises shall be permitted.
2. There shall not be more than one room in the dwelling used for the home occupation.
3. There shall be no outside storage of material or stock in trade. Storage of necessary supplies may be permitted in the garage provided said storage does not diminish the required parking spaces in the garage.
4. No use of materials or equipment other than those normally associated with a normal household use or hobby shall be permitted on site.
5. The nonresidential use shall not be evident from outside the residence due to sounds, odors, vibrations, etc.
6. There shall be no signs related to the business maintained anywhere on the site.
7. No new structures shall be constructed for the purpose of conducting the home business.
8. No vehicles associated with the home business shall be kept on the premises except as otherwise permitted in a residential zone.
9. The use shall not generate pedestrian or vehicular traffic beyond that normally associated with a residential zone. There shall be no clients or customers on the premises at any time.
10. There shall be no use of commercial vehicles for the delivery of materials to or from the premises, except those vehicles normally making residential deliveries, i.e., UPS, Federal Express, etc.
Q. Private parking areas:
Private parking areas shall conform to the following conditions:
1. Such areas shall be improved and maintained in accordance with the provisions of Section 15.56.130 of this title, except that the required 15-foot setback from any street shall be landscaped in its entirety and not less than five percent of the remainder of the parking area shall also be landscaped.
2. Along any common boundary with property having a residential zone classification of R-1 or R-1P, a six-foot high ornamental masonry wall or wooden fence shall be provided and maintained. Where a differential in grade exists between the two properties, the height of the wall may be reduced one foot for each two feet of grade differential, provided that in no case, except within 15 feet of the street line, shall such wall be less than six feet in height as measured from the commercial side and 42 inches in height as measured from the residential side. Grade differential shall be determined from the building pad elevation, if known, and if not known, from an estimated normal building pad elevation.
3. Along any common boundary with property with a residential zone classification not otherwise protected by a masonry wall located on the parking lot side, there shall be installed and maintained a concrete curb or timber barrier not less than six inches in height and located not less than two feet from said boundary.
4. No such area shall be used for the commercial storage of cars, trucks, boats, or trailers.
5. No habitable structures shall exist on the parcel during its use as a parking area.
6. No vehicle registered for commercial purposes pursuant to California Vehicle Code Section 260 which is three tons or more in gross weight shall be parked or left standing on any part of any property with a residential zone classification in excess of 30 consecutive minutes unless actual loading or unloading of said vehicle is in progress on said property.
7. One vehicle, which is registered for commercial purposes pursuant to California Vehicle Code Section 260, that is less than three tons in gross weight may be parked on an property with a residential zone classification, only if it is used for transportation to and from the residential premises by the occupant of said premises.
R. Renting of rooms:
The renting of rooms or the providing of board, or both, shall be limited to a total of three bedrooms and a total of three persons per dwelling unit on property within the R-1, R-1P, R-2 and R-2P zones.
S. Convenience shops and other limited commercial uses:
Convenience shops shall be limited to barber and beauty shops, drugstores, delicatessens, and laundry and dry cleaning pick-up and delivery points, and similar service uses designed to serve the residents of the building.
T. Parking and/or storage of resident's recreational vehicles:
Parking and/or storage of recreational vehicles, motorized or non-motorized, is permitted provided all of the following conditions are satisfied:
1. The property is improved with only one or two dwelling units.
2. Such vehicles shall not be occupied for living purposes.
3. Such vehicles shall be limited to those owned by the occupant of the dwelling unit.
4. Recreational vehicles shall not be parked or stored where such parking or storage shall constitute a clear and demonstrable vehicular traffic hazard, or be a threat to public health or safety.
5. A recreational vehicle shall not be parked or stored within the front yard when there is an existing driveway or other access leading to the rear yard of the residence that can accommodate such vehicle.
6. Parking parallel to the front property line shall be prohibited except where a curved or circular driveway exists. In those cases, suitable screening of the recreational vehicle shall be provided.
U. Outdoor recreational facilities:
1. A swimming pool, spa, tennis court, play apparatus, or similar recreational facility for the sole use of the occupants of the premises and their guests is allowed in any residential zone, provided that:
a. The facility is approved with any necessary building permits.
b. The facility and its use are incidental to the main use of the lot and does not alter the principal use of the subject lot.
c. The facility and its use do not generate pedestrian or vehicular traffic beyond that normally associated with a residential zone.
d. The facility and its use do not cause a public nuisance pursuant to Title 6 of the Fullerton Municipal Code.
e. The facility and its use comply with the noise standards for the residential zone pursuant to Chapter 15.90 of this title.
f. The facility shall not occupy any portion of a required front yard setback for the zone as defined in Table 15.17.050.A.
g. Should the facility be located in the front of the residential property, beyond the required setback, it shall be screened from adjacent properties and the public right-of-way. Screening shall be subject to the prior approval of the Director of Development Services.
h. Pools, spas and tennis courts may be located within the required rear and side yard setbacks as specified in Table 15.17.050.A., and subject to Subsections 15.17.040.G.2 and 15.17.050.B.6.
i. Play apparatuses (including swimming pool slides) or similar facilities which are 120 square feet or less in area and 4 feet or less in height from natural grade shall maintain a minimum 5 foot setback from the rear and side property lines.
j. Play apparatuses (including swimming pool slides) or similar facilities which are 120 square feet or less in area and between 4 feet and 10 feet in height from natural grade shall comply with the rear and side building setback requirements for a single-story structure as specified in Table 15.17.050.A.
k. Play apparatuses (including swimming pool slides) or similar facilities which are greater than 120 square feet in area or 10 feet or more in height from natural grade shall comply with the rear and side building setback requirements for a two-story structure as specified in Table 15.17.050.A.
l. Lighting for any outdoor recreational facility, such as a tennis or basketball court shall be designed in accordance with the following standards:
i. Light poles for game court lighting may not exceed fifteen (15) feet above the ground surface.
ii. All exterior lighting visible from off-site must be equipped with motion detectors and all decorative lighting and game court lighting must be equipped with automatic timer switches to ensure that the lighting is turned off when not in use.
iii. No exterior lighting may be directed off site and shall be shielded to direct light away from any adjacent property.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection 1. above, skateboard ramps or similar structures or devices used for skateboarding, roller skating, rollerblading, or similar wheeled activities are prohibited in any residential zone.
V. Residential Beekeeping.
1. Permit Required. Any beekeeping in a residential zone shall require a Residential Beekeeping Permit.
2. Notification Required. The notification of adjoining properties is required prior to the issuance of a Residential Beekeeping Permit.
3. Best Management Practices. Beekeeping shall follow the city's Best Management Practices for Residential Beekeeping and be ancillary to the primary residential use of the property and shall be conducted pursuant to Subsection 15.17.030 M of this title.
a. Best Management Practices for Residential Beekeeping are available in the Community Development Department. Acknowledgment of receipt of Best Management Practices document shall be required prior to issuance of Residential Beekeeping Permit.
(Ord. 3326 § 3 (part), 2023: Ord. 3267 § 4, 2018; Ord. 3255 § 3, 2018; Ord. 3254 § 2, 2018; Ord. 3232 (part), 2016; Ord. 3197 § 5, 2013; Ord. 3190 § 3, 2013; Ord. 3131 (part), 2009; Ord. 3075, 2006: Ord. 3026, 2003: Ord. 2982, 2001).
A. Area of land developed to multiple dwellings considered as constituting a single lot:
For the purposes of this section, any area of land -- whether a single lot, a combination of lots, or un-subdivided acreage -- which is developed to multiple dwellings under the standards required in this chapter shall be considered as constituting a single lot, and the component lots or parcels of land constituting the lot shall be considered as parts of a whole.
B. Lots shall be combined when a building is proposed over two or more lots:
When a building is proposed over two or more lots, the lots shall be combined as prescribed in Title 16 of this code.
C. Usable open space:
1. "Usable open space" means an open area or recreational facility designed and intended for outdoor living and/or recreation. Common usable open space shall not exceed a grade of 20 percent, shall have a minimum dimension of at least ten feet, and may include landscaping, walks, recreational facilities, and small decorative objects such as artwork and fountains.
2. Open space that does not meet the above requirements but provides visual relief, such as landscaped slopes and planter areas -- and in the R-1 and R-1P zones only, private individual driveways -- may be counted on a one-for-three basis in meeting up to one-third of the common usable open space requirement. Water-oriented visual amenities such as lakes and streams may be counted on a one-for-one basis but shall be included in the same one-third limitation for visual open space.
3. Areas underneath external stairways shall not be counted as common usable open space. Inaccessible or partially enclosed areas under building overhangs, second floor decks or patios may be counted as common usable open space, subject to the approval of the Director of Development Services.
4. Common usable open space shall not include any portion of off-street parking space, driveways (except in the R-1 and R-1P zones), turnaround areas, the required street setback area, or any accessory building or roof tops, except those portions thereof used for outdoor living or recreational purposes.
D. View clearance:
1. No structure or landscaping shall be placed within a "cut-off" area, as defined in this subsection in a manner that obstructs a clear view of traffic.
a. In the case of a lot at the intersection of two streets, the cut-off area is a triangle with one point at the intersection of the street lines (or their prolongations) and the other points located 15 feet from that point along each of the street lines (see Figure1).

Figure 1
Vision clearance for street-to-street condition
Vision clearance for street-to-street condition
b. In the case of a lot located at the intersection of a street and an alley, the cut-off area is a triangle with one point at the intersection of the street and alley lines (or their prolongations), one point 15 feet from that point along the street line, and the other point ten feet from the origin point along the alley line (see Figure 2).

Figure 2
Vision clearance for street-to-alley condition
Vision clearance for street-to-alley condition
c. For a driveway located in a side yard of a corner lot, the cut-off area is comprised of two triangular areas on either side of the driveway (see Figure 3). The triangles shall originate at the intersections of the side lot line and either side of the driveway, and project 15 feet from those origin points along both the side of the driveway and the side yard line.

Figure 3
Vision clearance for driveway-to-street condition
Vision clearance for driveway-to-street condition
2. The Planning Commission may hold a public hearing pursuant to Chapter 15.76 of this title to consider and to issue orders for a property owner to remove any obstruction from any cut-off area that creates a condition that is found to be dangerous to the safety of drivers and occupants of vehicles or to pedestrians.
E. Front yard setback on cul-de-sac:
The front yard setback on a cul-de-sac shall be measured from the closest point of the cul-de-sac and shall be one-half of the setback prescribed by the residential zone classification of the subject property.
F. Setbacks on through lots:
The front yard setback required by the underlying zone shall apply on both street frontages of a through lot, except that fences no more than eight feet in height, non-habitable buildings, and detached accessory structures are permitted at the rear yard property line of a through lot that has an R-1, R-1P, R-2 or R-2P zone, when all vehicular access rights on that street frontage side have been dedicated to the city or have been restricted by parcel map, site plan, or tract map.
G. Features that may encroach into a setback:
1. Fireplace structures not wider than eight feet, bay windows, and eave overhangs that are incorporated as part of a roof may encroach into a required setback to a maximum of 18 inches.
2. Mechanical equipment such as air conditioning units and hot water heaters may encroach into a side and rear yard setback but are subject to noise restrictions as provided in Chapter 15.90 of this title.
3. Landscaping, including trees, hedges or shrubs of any height, may be planted within a required side or rear setback area that is not within a cut-off area as defined by Subsection 15.17.040.D. Within a front yard setback, when not within a cut-off area as defined by Subsection 15.17.040.D, landscaping of any height is permitted, except that continuous hedges over three feet in height are not permitted.
H. Acoustic analysis required:
All residential developments proposed within a projected annual CNEL contour (as defined in Title 4, Subchapter 6 of the California Administrative Code) of 60 dB(A) or greater (as indicated in the Fullerton General Plan Community Health and Safety Element) shall require an acoustical analysis (as defined in Title 25, Chapter 1, Article 4 of said Administrative Code) demonstrating and certifying that all required usable open space areas other than visual open space shall be provided with noise-mitigating measures sufficient to reduce the noise levels therein to 60 dB(A) CNEL. The Planning Commission, Redevelopment Agency or City Council, as appropriate, may approve projected exterior levels of not to exceed 65 dB(A) CNEL for areas where the acoustical analysis demonstrates that achieving a level of 60 dB(A) CNEL is clearly not feasible.
(Ord. 2982, 2001).
The following development standards apply to the R-1, R-1P, R-2 and R-2P zones.
A. Minimum lot size:
1. No new lot shall be created in any R-1 or R-1P zone which is less in area than the minimum lot size indicated on the city's official Zoning Map for the area in which it is located, except as provided in Title 16 of the Fullerton Municipal Code.
2. A new lot with an R-2 or R-2P zone shall be a minimum of 6,000 square feet.
B. Building setbacks:
1. Building setbacks shall be as prescribed in Table 15.17.050.A. Fence and wall height and location restrictions are found in Subsection 15.17.050.G.
2. The front yard building setback shall be no less than the average of the front setbacks for the two adjacent homes. The front yard setback specified in Table 15.17.050.A shall be the requirement when the average of the front yard setbacks for the adjacent homes is less than that specified in Table 15.17.050.A. In the case of a corner lot, the setback shall not be greater than the predominant setback of the street side on which the lot fronts.
3. In the case of a key lot on a property with an R-1, R-1P, R-2 or R-2P zone, the front yard building setback shall be at least 15 feet regardless of the minimum lot size.
4. The following are exemptions, possible reductions or allowable encroachments to the required building setback:
a. A reduction in the building setback not exceeding 20 percent of the requirements in Table 15.17.050.A may be allowed with approval of a Minor Exception pursuant to Chapter 15.66 of this title. A request for a greater building setback reduction shall be reviewed as a variance pursuant to Chapter 15.68 of this title.
Minimum setback from a property line… | Reference Subsection | R-1-7,200 or under | Over R-1-7,200 to R-1-10,000 | Over R-1-10,000 but under R-1-20,000 | R-1-20,000 and over | R-1P zone | R-2 and R-2P zones |
Minimum setback from a property line… | Reference Subsection | R-1-7,200 or under | Over R-1-7,200 to R-1-10,000 | Over R-1-10,000 but under R-1-20,000 | R-1-20,000 and over | R-1P zone | R-2 and R-2P zones |
...along a public street | |||||||
Front yard | 15.70.050.B. 2, 3 & 4 | 15 | 20 | 25 | 35 | See 15.17.060.C.l | 15 |
Side yard | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | |
Rear yard (through lot) | See 15.17.040.F | See 15.17.040.F | See 15.17.040.F | See 15.17.040.F | See 15.17.040.F | See 15.17.040.F | |
Garage door – swing out | 15.17.080.E.3 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 |
Garage door – roll up | 15.17.080.E.3 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 |
...along a public alley or flood control channel: | |||||||
Rear yard – first story | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
Rear yard – second story | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.5 | |
Garage door | 15.17.080.E.3 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
...along another property line (i.e. an interior lot line) | |||||||
Side yard | 5 | 5 | 7 | 10 | 5 | Total of ten feet | |
Rear yard – first story | 15 | 15 | 20 | 25 | 15 | 0 | |
Rear yard – second story | 20 | 20 | 25 | 30 | 20 | 0 | |
Notes: All measurements are in feet. See Section 15.17.050.G for fence and wall setback and height regulations. | |||||||
5. Decks and balconies:
a. A deck shall be set back at least five feet from a property line (see Figure 4). Any portion of a deck that is higher than four feet from natural grade shall comply with the building setback requirements for a single story structure as shown in Table 15.17.050.A. Any portion of a deck that is higher than ten feet from natural grade shall comply with the building setback requirements for a two-story structure as shown in Table 15.17.050.A.

Figure 4
b. A balcony shall not encroach into the side or rear yard setback requirements for the main building on the property, and when abutting a minimum side yard setback, the balcony shall include screen walls to prevent views into adjacent properties.
6. Patio and porch covers, carports and other accessory structures:
a. A patio and porch cover, carport, or other non-enclosed accessory structure that is attached to or freestanding from a residence shall be at least five feet from any rear property line and three feet from any side property line that abuts a lot with a residential zone classification.
b. Any freestanding fireplace, barbecue structure or kiln shall be at least five feet from a rear or side property line that abuts a lot with a residential zone classification.
c. Any enclosed accessory structure such as a sunroom shall comply with the building setback requirements as shown in Table 15.17.050.A.
C. Lot coverage, building area and floor/area ratio requirements:
1. The lot coverage and floor/area ratio shall be in accordance with Table 15.17.050. B.
2. For a residence on a property with an R-1 or R-1P zone, the building area of a second story shall be limited to 70 percent of the building area contained on the first floor (see Figure 5).

Figure 5
Table 15.17.050.B Lot Coverage and Floor/Area Ratio Requirements | ||
Zone | Lot Coverage | FAR |
R-1-7,200 or less | .60 | .50 |
Over R-1-7,200 to R-1-10,000 | .55 | .45 |
Over R-1-10,000 to R-1-20,000 | .50 | .35 |
Over R-1-20,000 | .45 | .30 |
R-2 | .60 | – |
D. Maximum height requirements:
Maximum height requirements shall be in accordance with Table 15.17.050.C. A Conditional Use Permit may be approved for taller structures when the average natural grade of the lot exceeds 25 percent.
Table 15.17.050.C Maximum Height Requirements | |
One-story | 20 feet above natural grade |
Two-story | 30 feet above natural grade |
E. Open space requirements:
1. Open space requirements shall be in accordance with Table 15.17.050.D.
Table 15.17.050.D Usable Open Space Requirements | |
No Bedrooms | 600 square feet |
1 Bedroom | 600 square feet |
2 Bedrooms | 800 square feet |
For Each Additional Bedroom | 200 square feet |
2. In the R-1 and R-1P zones, private individual driveways may be counted on a one-for-three basis in meeting up to one-third of the usable open space requirement.
F. Parking Requirements:
1. Parking requirements for the R-1, R-1P, R-2 and R-2P zones are shown in Table 15.17.050.E.
2. All required parking must be located on-site, meet the minimum dimension requirements of Subsection 15.17.080.D of this chapter, and be located outside of any required setback from a public street.
Table 15.17.050.E Residential Parking Requirements for R-1, R-1P, R-2 and R-2P Zones |
Table 15.17.050.E Residential Parking Requirements for R-1, R-1P, R-2 and R-2P Zones | |
Single-Family Residence in the R-1, R-1P, R-2 and R-2P Zones | |
Built before June, 1963 and less than five bedrooms | One car garage |
Built after June, 1963 and less than five bedrooms | Two car garage |
Five or more bedrooms in the R-1-6 to R-1-9 zones, inclusive, and the R-2 and R-2P zones Five or more bedrooms in the R-1-10 and higher zones | Three parking spaces (not within the front yard setback) including two garage spaces and one open space Three garage spaces per dwelling unit |
Any R-1P zone | Same as R-1 zone except that half of the requirement can be uncovered (but not within the front yard setback) |
Duplex Project in R-2 and R-2P Zones | |
R-2 zone (per unit) | Two car garage plus one space if five or more bedrooms |
R-2P zone (per unit) | Same as R-2 zone except that half of the requirement can be uncovered (but not within the front yard setback) |
G. Fences and walls:
1. The height of non-retaining walls, fences, hedges or guardrails shall be in accordance with Table 15.17.050.F. Non-view-obscuring fences may goto a height of six feet with the approval of the Director of Development Services. In reviewing such applications, the Director of Development Services shall consider the proposed construction materials, compatibility with neighboring properties, vision clearance and other factors as necessary. The applicant may appeal the Director’s decision pursuant to Chapter 15.76 of this title.
2. Any retaining wall higher than three feet within a front yard setback and higher than four feet within the rear or side yard setback shall be subject to the approval of the Director of Development Services. A proposed retaining wall above these heights, which in the opinion of the Director is being constructed to enlarge the buildable area on the lot, shall be subject to the approval of a Minor Site Plan pursuant to Chapter 15.47 of this title. A retaining wall designed for landscaping purposes, however, is exempt from this requirement.
Table 15.17.050.F Maximum Heights for Walls and Fences | |
Location | Maximum Height |
Front yard setback | Three feet within front yard setback area. The Director of Development Services may approve a non-view obscuring fence up to six feet in height. |
Side yard setback fronting a public street | Three feet within five feet of the side property line. The Director of Development Services may approve a fence or wall up to eight feet in height. |
An interior side yard or rear yard setback | Six feet within five feet of the property line, unless adjacent to a property other than R-1/R-1P or R-2/R-2P, in which case the maximum height is eight feet. |
Rear yard fronting a public street or alley | Eight feet. See also Subsection 15.17.040.F. |
Within a corner cut-off area | Three feet maximum. See Subsection 15.17.040.D.
H. Landscaping requirements:
1. The front yard area of the lot shall be maintained with a combination of planting, turf and hardscape areas such that the total area of non-pervious surfaces shall be 40% or less of the total front yard area.
2. For non-residential uses permitted pursuant to Table 15.17.020.A, all open parking areas (e.g. non-structured, non-garage) shall be landscaped such that:
a. Planters with a total landscaped area equaling a minimum of 25 square feet per parking space, or 8% of the square footage of the open parking area, whichever is greater, shall be provided and distributed throughout the open parking area; and
b. Trees with a total shaded area (e.g. the area under the tree canopy or dripline 15 years after installation) equaling a minimum of 50% of the square footage of the open parking area shall be provided and distributed throughout the open parking area.
3. Landscaping and irrigation shall be provided for landscaped areas pursuant to Chapter 15.50 for the following:
a. Installation of new landscape with a total landscaped area equal to or greater than 500 square feet; or
b. Rehabilitation of existing landscaped areas where affected landscaped area is equal to or greater than 2,500 square feet.
c. Installation of a new landscape area or areas less than 2,500 sq. ft. in aggregate may opt to comply instead with the prescriptive measures contained in Chapter 15.50 Appendix A..
d. Landscape projects using treated or untreated graywater or rainwater captured on site that has less than 2,500 sq. ft. of landscape and meets the landscape water requirement (EAWU) entirely with treated or untreated graywater or through stored rainwater captured on site is subject only to Appendix D, Section 5, related to irrigation systems.
4. Landscaping and irrigation not subject to Chapter 15.50 shall be encouraged to:
a. Utilize resources which identify plants that are native to California or are otherwise appropriate for the region and that have moderate to very low water use following establishment;
b. Limit the use of turf to active areas; when turf is utilized, select a drought-tolerant variety;
c. Utilize decorative gravel or pebbles or mulch on ground plane, as appropriate for type of plants, to improve water holding capabilities;
d. Group plants of similar water requirements together to allow more effective use of irrigation; and
e. Design the irrigation system to utilize point irrigation systems (including micro-spray, bubbler, drip emitter, or sub-surface) for more efficient delivery of water to root systems and to minimize run off.
(Ord. 3232 (part), 2016; Ord. 3226 (part), 2016; Ord. 3197 §§ 6-9, 2013; Ord. 3134 (part), 2009; Ord. 3131 (part), 2009; Ord. 2982, 2001: Ord. 3026, 2003).
The following development standards for R-1P, R-2P and R-3P zones are in addition to the applicable standard contained in Sections 15.17.040, 15.17.050, and 15.17.070.
A. All proposed development, including the rehabilitation of existing structures, will be reviewed for compliance with established design criteria and standards, specific to the preservation zones and identified significant properties. These adopted design criteria and standards, entitled "Design Guidelines for Residential Preservation Zones," are intended to serve as a baseline -- a set of elementary guidelines -- by which a proposal will be evaluated.
B. All proposed development shall be subject to the following types of review and approval. Routine maintenance of existing improvements (e.g., repainting of a structure, duplicating damaged or deteriorated exterior architectural features) is exempt from these review procedures as long as the original design is retained.
1. Those projects listed below which the Community Development Director determines are consistent with the design criteria and standards established or the residential preservation zones shall be subject to administrative review and approval by the Community Development Director.
a. Minor alterations, including the addition, change, or removal of exterior architectural features and existing hardscape.
b. Minor improvements such as air conditioning units, skylights, solar panels, greenhouse windows, roof mounted equipment, arbors, trellises and fences.
c. All development wherein structures are enlarged by less than 50 percent of the existing floor area, the total addition is less than 500 square feet, and such addition is not readily visible from the public street.
d. The demolition of accessory structures which have a floor area less than 500 square feet.
e. The construction of an accessory structure in a location that is behind or partially behind the main residence, when the architectural features of the accessory structure match those of the main residence including, but not limited to, siding, windows, trim, roofing and vents, in accordance with the Design Guidelines for Residential Preservation Zones.
a. All new development that proposes the creation of additional residential units on the lot.
b. Any combination of alterations and additions which result in a structure being enlarged by 50 percent or more of the existing floor area or more than 500 square feet.
c. Any addition to an existing structure wherein such an addition is readily visible from the public street.
d. The construction or demolition of an accessory structure which has a floor area of 500 square feet or more, or the construction of multiple accessory structures which have a cumulative floor area of 500 feet or more, unless 15.17.060.B.1.e applies.
a. The demolition of a residential structure in a preservation zone wherein more than 50% of the structure will be removed from a site either by relocation or destruction, or when any portion of the street facing elevation is demolished.
b. The demolition or alteration of any Significant Property or Historical Landmark.
4. A Community Development Director determination pursuant to 15.17.060.B.1 or 2 above may be appealed to the Landmarks Commission.
C. Proposed new construction will be subject to the following site development standards:
1. All buildings shall be encouraged to have a minimum front yard setback of 20 feet. In the R-2P and R-3P zones, proposals requesting a building setback less than 20 feet shall be subject to approval by the Landmarks Commission as a Minor Site Plan in accordance with Chapter 15.47 of this title. In the R-1P zone, proposals requesting a front setback less than the predominant setback on the street shall be subject to approval by the Landmarks Commission as a Minor Site Plan in accordance with Chapter 15.47 of this title.
2. Half of the required amount of parking may be in the form of a carport and/or an open, paved space. No parking area, however, shall be allowed in front of any principal building.
3. An existing driveway that no longer serves as access to a garage may be used for a parking space as long as the parking space is behind the front yard setback. A new driveway for the purpose of
providing an open parking space will be discouraged and subject to the approval of the Director of Community Development.
4. The total gross floor area of all dwelling units on the property shall not exceed 40 percent of the net lot area of any property on which at least one existing dwelling unit is preserved and shall not exceed 35 percent of the net lot area where no existing dwelling units are preserved.
D. The decision to approve or deny any proposed development will be guided by the following objectives:
1. The primary objective shall be the city’s commitment, as directed by state legislation and enunciated in the Housing Element of its General Plan, to the preservation and rehabilitation of existing affordable housing and neighborhood lifestyle. Additionally, the intent is to protect and enhance the historic character of development found within these preservation zones.
2. If the existing housing is clearly deteriorated or dilapidated beyond rehabilitation, or if a residential structure does not contribute to, or is not compatible with, the established character of the neighborhood, said housing may be removed.
3. In any case where new construction is proposed, said construction shall be reviewed in the context of the existing intensity and diversity of development and lifestyle in the neighborhood. Where proposed new construction is found to be incompatible with such by reason of obtrusiveness, excessive bulk, over development, inappropriate architectural style or nonresidential character, such a proposal shall be modified or denied.
4. For improvements involving an existing structure, the recommended policy shall be to retain, repair or restore original architectural elements, rather than to replace them. If such elements cannot be repaired or restored, the replacement should be made with the materials that are the same type as those used at the time of original construction when possible, but when necessary, substitutions may be made with materials that match in design, texture and color. Original materials shall be proven to be deteriorated beyond reasonable repair before substitute materials can be considered.
E. Notwithstanding the requirements for R-1P, R-2P and R-3P zones, the Landmarks Commission may consider a Site Plan application from a property owner and upon review of the application, facts, and consideration of alternatives at a noticed public hearing, may waive on a selective and limited basis the “preservation” requirements of this section that cause undue hardship.
(Ord. 3267 §5, 2018; Ord. 3232 (part), 2016; Ord. 2982, 2001).