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15.40.040. Site development standards.
   The following development standards apply to the M-P and M-G zones.
   A.   General:
      1.   When a building is proposed over two or more lots, the lots shall be combined as prescribed in Title 16 of the Fullerton Municipal Code.
      2.   The exterior design of a building, including paint colors, shall be compatible with surrounding architecture.
      3.   Rooftop equipment shall be screened from public view so as not to be visible from the public right-of-way.
      4.   All landscaping and irrigation systems and plans shall conform to Section 15.56.140 of this title.
   B.   Minimum lot area:
      1.   The minimum required area for each lot of a proposed subdivision of property shall be that area for the property as designated on the official Zoning Map.
      2.   Where no minimum lot area is designated on the Zoning Map, no minimum lot area exists.
   C.   Permitted building height:
      1.   The maximum height of any building with an industrial zone classification shall be 45 feet.
      2.   On any site with a common boundary line with a property having a residential zone classification, a proposed structure that exceeds a height of ten feet, as measured from the existing grade of the property with the residential zone, shall set back one foot from such boundary line for each foot that the structure exceeds a height of ten feet. The minimum required setback shall be ten feet.
      3.   A site in close proximity to the Fullerton Municipal Airport shall conform to regulations and restrictions imposed by the Fullerton Airport Environs Land Use Plan, as described in Section 15.56.050.
   D.   Setback requirements:
      1.   The minimum required setback for proposed new construction is listed in Table 15.40.040.A.
Table 15.40.040.A
Building Setbacks for Industrial Zone Classifications
Minimum setback from a property line:
... along a public street
20 feet
10 feet
...along a public alley (see Subsection 15.40.040.D.2)
5 feet
5 feet
...along property with a P-L zone (see Subsection 15.40.040.D.3)
10 feet
10 feet
...along or across a public street or alley from property with a residential zone
      2.   Where a lot abuts an alley, the minimum setback on such lot shall be five feet from the property line of the alley. Said setback shall not be used for any structure, wall or storage, but shall be reserved solely for landscaping or vehicular access.
      3.   Where a lot shares a common boundary with property having a Public Land (P-L) zone or with a property with a residential zone classification, there shall be a minimum required setback on such parcel of ten feet from the common property line. Along this property line there shall be planted and maintained a view-obscuring hedge or belt of evergreens, shrubs or other planting at least ten feet in width and at least six feet high, extending to a point 15 feet from any street line. Until such planting reach a height of six feet, a view-obscuring fence shall be provided along the common property line. The remainder of the setback area, less any required landscaping on street frontages, may be used for parking, storage or other authorized outdoor uses.
   E.   Fences and walls:
   The height of walls, fences, hedges or guardrails on property with an industrial zone classification shall be in accordance with Table 15.40.040.B.
Table 15.40.040.B
Maximum Heights for Walls and Fences in Industrial Zone Classifications
Maximum Height
In a street setback area
Three feet within front yard setback area. The Director of Development Services may approve non-view obscuring fences taller than three feet.
Interior lot line adjacent to property with a residential zone
Eight feet within five feet of the side property line
Not within a setback area
Subject to applicable height restrictions for buildings.
Within a corner cut off area
Three feet. (The height applies to any feature that could block a clear view of traffic across a vision clearance area.)
   F.   Landscape requirements.
      1.   All street setbacks shall be landscaped except for pedestrian and vehicular access ways, parking areas, or other non-irrigated areas designed for non-development (e.g. existing native vegetation).
      2.   All open parking areas (e.g. non-structured) shall be landscaped such that:
         a.   Planters with a total landscaped area equaling a minimum of 25 square feet per parking space, or 8% of the square footage of the open parking area, whichever is greater, shall be provided and distributed throughout the open parking area; and
         b.   Trees with a total shaded area (e.g. the area under the tree canopy or dripline 15 years after installation) equaling a minimum of 50% of the square footage of the open parking area shall be provided and distributed throughout the open parking area.
      3.   Landscaping and irrigation shall be provided for landscaped areas pursuant to Chapter 15.50 for the following:
      a.   Installation of new landscaped areas; or
      b.   Rehabilitation of existing landscaped areas where affected landscaped area is equal to or greater than 2,500 square feet; or
      c.   Installation of a new landscape area or areas less than 2,500 sq. ft. in aggregate may opt to comply instead with the prescriptive measures contained in Chapter 15.50 Appendix A.
      d.   New or rehabilitated projects using treated or untreated graywater or rainwater captured on site, any lot or parcels within the project that has less than 2,500 square feet of landscape area and meets the lot or parcel’s landscape water requirement (Estimated Total Water Use) entirely with the treated or untreated graywater or through stored rainwater captured on site is subject only to Appendix A Section (5).
(Ord. 3232 (part), 2016; Ord. 3226 (part), 2016; Ord. 3134 (part), 2009; Ord. 3066, (part), 2005: Ord. 2982, 2001)