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   (a)   Normal retirement date for group VI firefighters. A group VI firefighter, shall be eligible for pension benefits on or after the group VI firefighter's normal retirement date, which shall be the last day of the month on which the earliest of the following occurs:
      (1)   The group VI firefighter's years of age and all years of credited service total 80; or
      (2)   The date on which the group VI firefighter reaches age 65, but in no event shall such normal retirement date be prior to the fifth anniversary of the date the group VI firefighter joined the fund.
   (b)   Omitted per council direction.
   (c)   Vested terminated retirement date for group VI firefighters. A group VI firefighter, shall be eligible for pension benefits on or after the group VI firefighter' s vested terminated retirement date, which shall be the last day of the month on which the earliest of the following occurs:
      (1)   The group VI firefighter's years of age plus years of credited service total 80 as if the vested terminated firefighter had remained employed by the city; or
      (2)   The date on which the group VI firefighter reaches age 65, but in no event shall such vested terminated retirement date be prior to the fifth anniversary of the date the group VI firefighter joined the fund.
   (d)   Omitted per council direction.
(Ord. 21459-09-2014, § 2, passed 9-16-2014; Ord. 23516-12-2018, § 1, passed 12-11-2018)