Every person taking or borrowing from a branch of the Fort Worth public library any library materials according to the customary check-out procedure of such library, who has not returned the same by the due date thereof, and who shall neglect, refuse or fail to return the same within two weeks after the date of the mailing of a notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the address noted on the current library card of the person taking or borrowing the same, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, on conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine as provided in § 1-6 of this code for each offense. Such fine shall not preclude the library assessing and collecting all fines normally assessed by it for each day’s violation of its rules, including the replacement cost of the unreturned property and associated fees as set forth in the library’s circulation policy. For purposes of such notification, it shall be the responsibility of each person so taking or borrowing property to immediately notify the library of any change of address, and in case of the library notifying such person pursuant to this section, he or she shall be presumed to have received such notice if the library has not been advised of a change of address.
(1964 Code, § 40-9) (Ord. 9035, § 2, passed 2-21-1984; Ord. 20993-10-2013, § 5, passed 10-15-2013)