General Provisions
73.01 Load limits on bridges
73.10 Intercity buses; routes; loading zones
73.11 Other city buses; routes; loading zones
73.12 Restrictions on loading and unloading buses
73.23 Regulation of truck traffic
73.24 City truck and emergency vehicles
73.25 Definitions
73.26 Use of city streets by trucks
73.27 Additional restrictions
73.28 Designation of truck routes
73.29 Designation of local delivery routes
73.30 Restrictions on hours of use
73.31 Annexation of land adjacent to routes
73.40 Accurate maps
73.41 Signage
73.42 (Reserved)
73.43 Truck parking and standing restricted
73.44 State and federal regulations
73.45 Authority to weigh commercial vehicles
73.99 Penalty