Negotiation Procedures and Guidelines
40.01 Application
40.02 [Reserved for future reference]
40.03 Prohibition on provisions regarding health insurance
Arbitration and Collective Bargaining For Police Officers and Firefighters
40.20 Title
40.21 Policy
40.22 Definitions
40.23 Right to bargain collectively; elections
40.24 Dues deduction
40.25 Duties and requirements of city
40.26 Mediation; arbitration
40.27 Selection of arbitrator
40.28 Arbitrator's hearing; conduct; conclusions
40.29 Bases for decisions
40.30 Division of costs
40.31 Agreement to constitute contract; term
40.32 Notice to city of required factors; time limit
40.33 Certain clauses modifying agreement prohibited
40.34 Ratification of collective bargaining agreements for police
40.35 Prohibition against compensatory time provisions
40.36 Prohibition on provisions regarding health insurance
40.37 Membership in labor organization