General Provisions
90.001 Purpose
90.002 Definitions
90.003 Requirements for keeping pets
90.004 Pet licenses
90.005 Term of license
90.006 Livestock; licensing and zoning
Care and Treatment of Animals
90.020 Abuse of animals
90.021 Hunting, trapping and destruction
Restrictions and Violations
90.035 Harboring undesirable animals
90.036 Biting and diseased animals
90.037 Animal offenses
Dangerous or Vicious Dogs
90.050 Purpose
90.051 Definition
90.052 Public nuisance; notice to remove
90.053 Abatement upon failure to comply
90.054 Hearing
90.055 Authority of law
90.070 Impoundment; disposition
90.071 Veterinary care of apprehended animals
90.072 Fees; holding limit before disposal
90.999 Penalty