General Provisions
   54.01   Purpose
   54.02   Definitions
   54.03   Public sewer use required
   54.04   Sewer main installation, connection
   54.05   Private wastewater disposal
   54.06   Permit required to uncover, open, use, alter or disturb public sewer
   54.07   Classes of building sewer permits
   54.08   Separate, independent sewer for each building
   54.09   Old building sewer line use
   54.10   Construction standards for installation
   54.11   Backflow preventers
   54.12   Connections to city sewer mains outside city limits
   54.13   Connection permit required
   54.14   Inspection
   54.15   Excavation and barricade requirements
Discharge Restrictions and Requirements
   54.30   Discharge of unpolluted waters, stormwater runoff
   54.31   Permit to discharge water from basement sump pumps to sanitary sewers
   54.32   Items not allowed to be discharged
   54.33   Wastes restricted by concentration or quantity limits
   54.34   Alternatives for control; Director to reject or require
   54.35   Pretreatment, flow equalization at owner’s expense
   54.36   Interceptors
   54.37   Special arrangements allowed
Observation, Testing and Enforcement
   54.50   Meters required for observation, sampling and measurement
   54.51   Information required for determining compliance
   54.52   Sampling methods
   54.53   Violations
   54.54   Powers and authority of Inspectors
   54.55   Hearing Board
   54.99   Penalty