(A) It is hereby declared that pigeons are a public nuisance, and it shall be unlawful for any persons to harbor, keep, or feed flocks of pigeons within the city.
(B) Whenever it shall appear, on complaint of citizens or otherwise, that pigeons are constituting a nuisance in any part of the city, the Chief of Police shall be authorized to use all necessary means to destroy the pigeons.
('83 Code, § 91.07) (Ord. 0-15-71, passed 8-2-71) Penalty, see § 91.99
No person shall sell, exchange, offer to sell or exchange, display or possess living baby chicks, ducklings, or other fowl or rabbits which have been dyed or colored; nor dye or color any baby chicks, ducklings or other fowl or rabbits; nor sell, exchange, offer to sell or exchange or to give away baby chicks, ducklings or other fowl or rabbits, under two months of age in any quantity less than six, except that any rabbit weighing three pounds or more may be sold at an age of six weeks.
(KRS 436.600) Penalty, see § 91.99
No owner of a domestic animal shall abandon the animal.
(A) Any peace officer, animal control officer, or any person authorized by the Board of Agriculture may destroy or kill or cause to be destroyed or killed, any animal found abandoned and suffering and not properly cared for, or appearing to be injured, diseased, or suffering past recovery for any useful purpose.
(B) Before destroying the animal the officer shall obtain the judgment to that effect of a veterinarian, or of two reputable citizens called by him to view the animal in his/her presence, or shall obtain consent to the destruction from the owner of the animal.
(C) (1) Any animal placed in the custody of a licensed veterinarian for treatment, boarding, or other care, which shall be unclaimed by its owner or his/her agent for a period of more than ten days after written notice by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, is given the owner or his agent at his last known address, shall be deemed to be abandoned and may be turned over to the nearest humane society, or animal shelter or disposed of as the custodian may deem proper.
(2) The giving of notice to the owner, or the agent of the owner of the animal by the licensed veterinarian shall relieve the licensed veterinarian and any custodian to whom the animal may be given of any further liability for disposal.
(D) Abandonment shall constitute the relinquishment of all rights and claims by the owner to the animal.
(KRS 257.100)
(A) It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any owner, keeper or walker of any animal to permit his or her animal to discharge the animal’s excrement upon any public or private property (other than the property of the owner of the animal), absent the consent of the owner of the property, within the city, if the owner, keeper, or walker does not immediately thereafter remove and clean up the animal’s excrement from the public or private property.
(B) Any animal excrement removed from public or private property and deposited in waste removal containers for service by city contractors shall be placed in a sealed bag or other tight-fitting container suitable for collection and disposal.
(C) Division (A) of this section shall not apply to a blind person and his/her guide dog.
(Ord. O-6-98, passed 4-20-98; Am. Ord. O-7-01, passed 4-2-01) Penalty, see § 91.99
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ANIMAL OWNER. Any person who owns any animal; has a property right in any animal; or, has any animal in his/her custody, possession, maintenance, care or control. ANIMAL OWNER shall include any person who is temporarily boarding any animal or has any animal in his/her care, custody, control, maintenance or possession, and includes any person providing food, drink, space or care to stray animals or animals otherwise running at large.
(1) Any animal that has attacked or bitten without provocation a person engaged in lawful activity within the city;
(2) Any animal that has killed or injured another animal after the owner thereof has been given written or verbal notice by a Dangerous Animal Officer to keep the same confined or muzzled;
(3) Any animal that has been declared to be dangerous by a physician attending a person who has been bitten or attacked by such animal;
(4) Any animal trained, owned or harbored for the purpose, primarily or in part, of animal fighting;
(5) Any animal that is considered by a Dangerous Animal Officer to have either a dangerous or vicious propensity, dangerous or vicious predisposition, or dangerous or vicious tendency, after said Dangerous Animal Officer has personally observed the animal's behavior; or
(6) Any animal that exhibits behavior that requires a Dangerous Animal Officer to take defensive action or causes such Dangerous Animal Officer the immediate apprehension of bodily harm.
(7) Any animal shall not be deemed dangerous if:
(a) It bites, attacks or menaces anyone assaulting its owner, or any person or other animal who has tormented or abused it; or
(b) It is otherwise acting in defense of an attack, from a person or other animal upon the owner or other person; or
(c) It is protecting or defending its young or other domestic animal; or
(d) It has been trained to function for public law enforcement agencies.
DANGEROUS ANIMAL OFFICER. The Animal Control Officer or any law enforcement officer. The DANGEROUS ANIMAL OFFICER shall take complaints of an aggrieved party, on a form prescribed by the city, and set forth in the Appendix following this chapter.
(1) Any animal that has caused death or severe injury to a person engaged in lawful activity within the city. A severe injury shall include, but not be limited to, one or more of the following: permanent disfigurement, long-term loss or impairment of any organ, broken or crushed bones, lacerations exceeding one inch in length, more than four puncture wounds from teeth, one or more severed veins or arteries, the removal of flesh exceeding one-half square inch, damage to muscle tissue, the loss of any limb or appendage, damage to an eye, injury that results in a person becoming disabled as defined by the Americans With Disabilities Act, or any injury deemed severe by an attending medical doctor.
(2) Any animal shall not be deemed a VICIOUS ANIMAL if:
(a) It bites, attacks or menaces anyone assaulting its owner, or any person or other animal who has tormented or abused it; or
(b) It is otherwise acting in defense of an attack, from a person or other animal upon the owner or other person; or
(c) It is protecting or defending its young or other domestic animal; or
(d) It has been trained to function for public law enforcement agencies.
(Ord. 0-18-88, passed 8-15-88; Am. Ord. 0-24-89, passed 10-2-89; Am. Ord. O-5-92, passed 2-3-92; Am. Ord. O-6-01, passed 4-2-01; Am. Ord. O-13-2014, passed 11-3-14)