(A) A person is guilty of cruelty to animals in the second degree when, except as authorized by law, he intentionally or wantonly does the following:
(1) Subjects any animal to or causes cruel or injurious mistreatment through abandonment, participates other than as provided in § 91.01 in causing it to fight for pleasure or profit (including, but not limited to being a spectator or vendor at an event where a four legged animal is caused to fight for pleasure to profit), mutilation, beating, torturing any animal other than a dog or cat, tormenting, failing to provide adequate food, drink, space, or health care, or by any other means;
(2) Subjects any animal in his/her custody to cruel neglect; or
(3) Kills any animal other than a domestic animal killed by poisoning. This division shall not apply to intentional poisoning of a dog or cat. Intentional poisoning of a dog or cat shall constitute a violation of this section.
(B) Nothing in this section shall apply to the killing of animals:
(1) Pursuant to a license to hunt, fish, or trap;
(2) Incident to the processing as food or for other commercial purposes;
(3) For humane purposes;
(4) For veterinary, agricultural, spaying or neutering, or cosmetic purposes;
(5) For purposes relating to sporting activities, including but not limited to horse racing at organized races and training for organized races, organized horse shows, or other animal shows;
(6) For bona fide animal research activities of institutions of higher education; or a business entity registered with the U.S. Department of Agriculture under the Animal Welfare Act or subject to other federal laws governing animal research;
(7) In defense of self or another person against an aggressive or diseased animal;
(8) In defense of a domestic animal against an aggressive or diseased animal;
(9) For animal or pest control; or.
(10) For any other purpose authorized by law.
(KRS 525.130) ('83 Code, § 91.01) Penalty, see § 91.99
Statutory reference:
Cruelty to animals in the first degree, a class D felony, see KRS 525.125
Cruelty to animals in the first degree, a class D felony, see KRS 525.125
It shall be unlawful for any person within the city to disturb the nest of, kill or wound any wild bird, other than hawks, crows, or owls.
('83 Code, § 91.02) (Ord. 0-24-75, passed 11-3-75) Penalty, see § 91.99
(A) It shall be unlawful to keep or raise chickens or rabbits for sale or profit in the city.
(B) It shall be lawful to keep or raise chickens and rabbits in the city for personal, family, or home use. However, any person desiring to raise or keep chickens or rabbits shall make an application in writing and signed by him to the Zoning Administrator requesting that a license to do so be issued, and agreeing therein that the city, by its officers or members of the Police Department be permitted at all times to inspect the premises for the purpose of determining whether or not they are maintained in a sanitary condition and whether all of the provisions of this section are observed.
(C) The Zoning Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to issue licenses to applicants pursuant to the terms of this section, without any charge or expense to the applicant whatsoever. It shall be unlawful to use, operate, or maintain any coop, hutch, run-way, or enclosure for chickens or rabbits within 50 feet of any dwelling house, except the dwelling house on the same premises.
(D) It shall be unlawful for any person to raise a rooster in the city or for any one family to keep or raise more than ten chickens and ten rabbits. It shall be unlawful to let any chickens or rabbits run at large; and it shall be unlawful to keep or raise chickens or rabbits or to maintain any coop, hutch, building, or enclosure for them in an unclean or unsanitary condition.
(E) In the event that any person fails to comply with all of the requirements of this section or violates any of the terms of this section, the license for the raising of chickens or rabbits to that person shall be revoked by order of the zoning administrator of the city.
('83 Code, § 91.04) (Ord.623, passed 5-3-43; Am. Ord. O-09-2011, passed 6-6-11) Penalty, see § 91.99
It shall be unlawful to keep or raise turkeys, guineas, ducks, or geese in the city.
('83 Code, § 91.05) (Ord. 0-24-75, passed 11-3-75) Penalty, see § 91.99
It shall be unlawful to permit any animals or fowl to run at large on the streets of the city or permit the same to trespass upon the land of another.
('83 Code, § 91.06) (Ord. 0-24-75, passed 11-3-75) Penalty, see § 91.99