133.01 Composition.
133.02 Age limits and residencies of original appointees.
133.03 Work week; emergency calls.
133.04 Emergency calls outside City limits.
Original appointment; probationary period and age - see
Ohio R.C. 143.20, 143.23, 143.32
Reductions, suspensions and removals - see Ohio
R.C. 143.27 et seq., 737.12
R.C. 143.27 et seq., 737.12
Civil service application - see Ohio R.C. 143.33,
737.10, 737.11
737.10, 737.11
Composition and control - see Ohio R.C. 715.05,
737.08, 737.21
737.08, 737.21
Appointment of emergency firemen - see Ohio
R.C. 737.10
R.C. 737.10
Hours and leave - see Ohio R.C. 737.21, 4115.02
Parking near or following fire apparatus - see
TRAF. 331.27
TRAF. 331.27
Driving over fire hose - see TRAF. 331.28