(A) Lighting/signage standards.
(1) Cellular antenna towers shall not be lighted, except in accord with other state and federal regulations.
(2) There shall be no signs permitted, except those displaying emergency information, owner contact information, warning or safety instructions or signs which are required by a federal, state or local agency. Such signs shall not exceed five square feet in area.
(B) Setback standards.
(1) A fall zone clear of any dwellings on the parcel containing the telecommunication tower (other than equipment enclosures associated with the wireless telecommunication facility) equal to one-half the height of the tower shall be required.
(2) All accessory structures associated with the cellular antenna tower shall be located as close to the antenna tower as possible and at least 25 feet or the equivalent of the setback of that zoning district, whichever is greater, from any adjoining property in a residential zone or any property used for residential purposes. The Planning Commission shall have the power to reduce the 25-foot setback in cases of demonstrated hardship or where adequate natural screening exists on the cell tower lot itself.
(C) Fencing/screening requirements.
(1) The site shall be enclosed by a six-foot security fence, with two feet of constantine wire. Such fence may be located within the front, side or rear yard.
(2) Visual landscape screening shall be required surrounding the outside of the fence. Such screening buffer shall be at least 20 feet in width, with a double-row staggered panting of evergreen trees planted at 15 feet on center. In any zone, whenever possible, all antenna towers shall be designed and constructed to minimize any potential negative aesthetic, environmental or visual impacts.
(D) Miscellaneous development standards.
(1) The tower shall be constructed to withstand a minimum wind speed with one-half inch of ice or the basic wind speed, and seismic load capacity standards as determined by Kentucky Building Code. The tower design shall be certified by a registered engineer, licensed in the state.
(2) The location of the cellular antenna tower shall not interfere with the traffic circulation, access, storm drainage, required landscaping or other requirements of this chapter and shall not reduce the number of parking spaces below what is otherwise required.
(3) All new cellular antenna towers shall be designed and constructed to reasonably accommodate a minimum of three service providers.
(4) All option and site lease agreements shall not prohibit the possibility of collocation.
(5) Monopole and alternative design cellular antenna towers shall be permitted in all zones. Lattice towers and guyed towers may only be located in non-residential zones.
(6) In cases where a cellular antenna tower or antenna is located on a portion of a property whose “subdivision” is based on a long-term lease, the lease area shall not take the parent tract below the minimum lot requirement for the zone in which it is located.
(7) Prior to construction and/or location of a cellular antenna or tower or associated structure whether on an existing structure or on ground level, any applicable permits must be obtained from the Planning Commission and/or the County Building Department.
(8) The site shall be un-staffed. Personnel may periodically visit the site for maintenance, equipment modification or repairs. To accommodate such visits, ingress/egress shall only be from approved points.
(9) A cellular antenna tower, or alternative antenna tower structure, may be constructed to a maximum height of 325 feet regardless of the maximum height requirements listed in the specific zoning district.
(Ord. 8, passed 10-23-1987, § 6.305)