§ 155.250 INTENT.
   (A)   (1)   In as much as the Congress of the United States enacted the Telecommunications Act of 1996, being Pub. L. 104-104, Sec. 1(a), Feb. 8, 1996, 110 Stat. 56, amending various sections of U.S.C. Titles 15, 18, and 47, it is the intent of this subchapter to deregulate the telecommunications industry by providing a more competitive environment for wired and wireless telecommunications.
      (2)   Kentucky Legislature initially passed House Bill 168, and later enacted House Bill 270, to allow local governments which have adopted planning and zoning regulations to plan for and regulate the siting of cellular antenna towers.
   (B)   The intent of this subchapter is to provide for cellular telecommunication towers in appropriate locations throughout the community at sites which provide adequate cellular telecommunication service while protecting the public, preserving the character and value of surrounding property and protecting the view from residential areas.
(Ord. 8, passed 10-23-1987, § 6.301)