Parking developed for three or more vehicles shall comply with the design and construction standards in this section.
   (a)   Parking Layout. Parking shall comply with the dimensions specified in the illustration below. The Village Council, upon receiving a recommendation from the Planning Commission, may allow modifications to these dimensional requirements where deemed appropriate because of the configuration of building(s) relative to the shape and size of the lot. Parking spaces located on asphalt or concrete shall be striped, based on the approved dimensions. Compact car parking spaces are permitted in off-street parking lots that provide more than ten parking spaces. Ten percent of the total spaces may be compact car spaces, provided that the first ten spaces shall be standard size spaces. Compact car spaces shall be labeled "Compact" with appropriate signage.
   (b)   Parking Plans. A proposal for new, improved, or expanded off-street parking for any use other than single family residential shall be subject to the site plan review requirements in Section 1268.30. Parking shall be sealed by an engineer registered in the State of Michigan. They shall illustrate all relevant aspects of the project, including but not necessarily limited to: existing and proposed grades, drainage, and utilities; surfacing and base materials; and, layout of parking spaces.
   (c)   Surfacing. All parking, including maneuvering aisles, driveways, and approaches, shall be surfaced with either pavement (concrete or asphalt) or crushed limestone. Parking shall be graded and drained to properly dispose of surface water without draining onto adjoining property or across a public sidewalk. Parking shall not be located over a septic tank or tile field.
   (d)   Lighting. Lighting fixtures, if proposed, shall not exceed a height of 20 feet measured from the ground level to the centerline of the light source. Lighting fixtures shall be focused downward and shall be fully shielded to prevent glare and sky glow and minimize light trespass onto adjoining properties. Parking lot lighting shall emit no light above 90 degrees. Lighting shall be arranged as to reflect the light away from all residentially zoned properties. Lighting in the Historic District shall be subject to review and approval by the Historic District Commission. Lighting shall comply with the National Electrical Code.
   (e)   Setbacks. The following setbacks shall apply:
      (1)   In the Historic District, a minimum setback of five feet shall be required wherever a parking lot in a nonresidential district abuts a residential district.
      (2)   In areas not within the Historic District, a minimum setback of ten feet shall be required wherever a parking lot in a nonresidential district abuts a residential district.
      (3)   Parking in the front yard of an RO-1 or C-l district shall not encroach into the road right-of-way. Parking along a street that is otherwise residentially-used and zoned, shall comply with the front yard setback requirement for the adjoining residential district. Existing parking spaces that do not comply with the requirements in this subsection shall be considered legally nonconforming.
   (f)   Screening. Screening shall be required wherever parking abuts a single family zoned district. Such screening shall comply with Section 1268.29. Screening may be located in the required setback described in subsection (e).
   (g)   Curb or Wheel Stops. Curbs or wheel stops shall be provided at the foot of each space to prevent vehicles from driving onto lawns, landscape areas and sidewalks.
   (h)   Ingress and Egress. Adequate means of ingress and egress, shall be provided, which shall be subject to review by the Village Planner, Village Engineer, Police Chief and the appropriate road agency. The nearest edge of a driveway serving a parking lot shall be at least 20 feet from any adjoining residential district. Access to off-street parking that serves a non-residential use shall not be permitted across land that is zoned or used solely for residential purposes. Spaces backing directly onto a street shall be prohibited.
   (i)   Maintenance. Areas surrounding parking lots, including areas occupied by screening, shall be kept free from tall grass, weeds, rubbish and debris. Parking consisting of pavement shall be maintained with a hard, smooth, dust free surface.
   (j)   Servicing, Sale, and Storage of Vehicles. Parking lots shall not be used for servicing or sale of vehicles, except that emergency service required to start vehicles shall be permitted. Vehicles shall not be parked or stored for continuous periods of more than 72 hours. A parking lot may not be used for the following:
      (1)   Storage or parking of trailers, mobile homes, travel trailers, boats, boat trailers, or junked or wrecked vehicles of any type;
      (2)   Storage of industrial equipment or material; or
      (3)   A place to deposit refuse.
   (k)   Buildings. No buildings or structures shall be permitted, except one parking lot attendant building may be permitted, provided it does not exceed 25 feet in area and ten feet in height.
   (l)   Parking for the Physically Handicapped. Each parking lot that serves a building, except single-family units, shall have a number of level parking spaces, identified by an above-grade sign that indicates that spaces are reserved for physically handicapped people. Parking for the physically handicapped shall comply with State and Federal laws, as well as the adopted Building Code. The number of required barrier-free spaces is as follows:
Total Spaces in Parking Lot
Total Minimum Number of Accessible Parking Spaces
Required Number of Van-Accessible Spaces with 96" Wide Access Aisle
Total Spaces in Parking Lot
Total Minimum Number of Accessible Parking Spaces
Required Number of Van-Accessible Spaces with 96" Wide Access Aisle
1 to 25
26 to 50
51 to 75
76 to 100
101 to 150
151 to 200
201 to 300
301 to 400
401 to 500
   Regular barrier-free spaces shall be eight feet in width with a five-foot side aisle. Van accessible barrier-free spaces shall be eight feet in width with an eight-foot side isle.
   (m)   Directional Signs. Signs used to direct traffic to parking entrances and exits shall be permitted in accordance with Section 1474.10(l) of the Village Code.
(Ord. 101. Passed 2-20- 70; Ord. 2013-04. Passed 5-13-13; Ord. 2017-02. Passed 2-13-17; Ord. 2022-02. Passed 6-13-22.)