A planned residential development under this chapter may incorporate either or both of the development alternatives set forth in Section 1252.03 in combination with the lot size and development configurations as set forth in the Schedule of Regulations provided in Appendix B following the text of this Zoning Code. Such combination of configurations may be proposed by the developer in the submission of the development plan or may be proposed by the Village of Franklin Planning Commission or Village Council during any of the hearing or approval processes. It is intended by this section to permit the Village of Franklin to alter or modify a proposed development plan so as to amend configuration options, so as to substitute, eliminate or add any of the permitted development configuration options, including those set forth in Appendix B. Under no circumstances, by reason of any utilization or combination of any of the development configurations set forth in this chapter, shall the overall development density or the number of single-family residential units per acre be increased in any zoning district over and above that set forth in Appendix B. It is the intent of this section, while allowing maximum flexibility of development configuration for the good of the health, safety and welfare of the people of the Village of Franklin, to allow increases in density only by means of a rezoning applicaiton and procedure in accordance with this Zoning Code.
(Ord. 170. Passed 8-27-90.)