Notice of hearings held pursuant to this chapter shall be in the form approved by the Council, which form of notice shall specify the names of the highways, streets or alleys to be constructed or improved, in whole or in part, and shall describe by lot and subdivision, by metes and bounds or by boundary streets, or a combination thereof, the special assessment district within which are located the properties especially benefited; provided, however, that such description of the district shall not be required in the notice of the hearing to review the special assessment roll as provided in Section 208.10. Such notice of hearing shall be published once in a newspaper or newspapers published or circulated in the Village.
Notice of hearings held pursuant to this chapter shall also be given to each owner of, or party in interest in, property to be assessed whose name appears upon the last local tax assessment records, by mailing such notice by first class mail addressed to such owner or party at the address shown on the tax records. The last local tax assessment records means the last assessment roll for ad valorem tax purposes which has been reviewed by the local Board of Review as supplemented by any subsequent changes in the names or the addresses of the owners or parties listed thereon.
When any person claims an interest in property, the Township Assessor shall enter on the tax assessment records any changes in the names and addresses of owners or parties in interest filed with him or her and shall at all times keep such tax assessment records current, complete and available for public inspection.
(Ord. 16. Passed 7-16-62.)